DVD movies on PMP


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Aug 10, 2019
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My son has expressed an interest in having a PMP, such as the Archos 605Wifi, with the two main purposes being internet and movies. He likes the idea of keeping a bunch of his favourite animated films, such as Shrek, Nemo & Ice Age, on the player for use on trips and the like. The problem seems to me to be copyright and ripping. Do any of these players come with software that you can use to rip movies in the way you can rip music? If not, can you get it elsewhere?

I suspect there could be a legal issue here, but surely you should be allowed to watch movies you have bought genuine copies of, so long as they can't then be burned onto another disc or copied again to another PC?

I think if it turns out to be the case that you can't rip your own films, he may not be so keen to own one after all.

John Duncan

Well-known member
philnavigator:I suspect there could be a legal issue here, but surely you should be allowed to watch movies you have bought genuine copies of, so long as they can't then be burned onto another disc or copied again to another PC?

There is a legal issue, yes. You should be allowed (for personal use), but you're not.

So you really shouldn't Google "DVD to DivX" or "DVD to [insert media player here]", cos you'll come across some ingenious, er, nasty little pieces of software that help you do this illegally. Shocking, really.


And you absolutely don't want to touch Mactheripper with a barge pole....


But surely if one of these unscrupulous apps were used to rip to say WMV, the resulting file would be rumbled by Windows Media PLayer as dodgy, when attempting to view it, so theres really no point trying this at all?


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Jan 10, 2008
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Nope, those horrible little utilities remove all of the DRM, so windows sees it as a standard WMV - the same you could create from your camcorder (i.e. legally...


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