Gray said:
... (You're old if you remember Lasky's)
Oh dear, I guess that means I'm old, I wasn't planning to be old until next year at the earliest! Thanks Gray *secret*
I bought my first amp from Lasky's in Bristol, I thought I'd bought an Akai AMU2 but when I got it home to my delight I discovered an AMU3 in the box. I remember that my dear old Dad told me to call them to point out their mistake, so I did and to my double delight they weren't bothered, I kept it for years *biggrin*
Sorry for reminding you you're old Joe. Quite a few of the posters here are no spring chickens, but probably prefer being old humans.
You deserved the better model by the way for being an honest family.
Bring back Lasky's that's all I can say.