MrReaper182 said:
keeper of the quays said:
MrReaper182 said:
keeper of the quays said:
MrReaper182 said:
keeper of the quays said:
MrReaper182 said:
I don't use FM radio as I hate all the radio stations that broadcast on it, maybe radio 4 is good for some comady but I don't listen to that much as it's news shows are dreadful. Why would anyone in this day and age still use FM? We now have DAB radio and Internet radio which offer much more choice. Norway have the right idea as they are shutting it off in 2017.
I'm with you a bit on this Mr reaper, the self satisfied supercilious left wing elitists on radio four be it news or news quiz's (ghastly) I detest..but some of radio fours output is very good..curates egg really! But radio three rocks! In a classical sense of the word...but above all the quality of fm through a good receiver and wide range hifi is have no idea! A concert on radio three makes one appreciate the engineers work as it is a art form! on good equipment your literally there but in the best seat! Internet radio is good but can't touch fm...I have a view on DAB but it would take too long for me to express it so I'll just say very disappointing it could do so much better..
Your not with me as your probably call me a lefty (how I hate stupid terms like that). The reason I hate Radio 4 news programes as they are much to conservative for my tastes. As a classical music fan I find Radio 3 playes it much to safe in choise of music (much like Classic FM). I would love to hear more free jazz and the like (which they play once in a blue moon) on Radio 3.
young people generally start on the left and as they get older go more right! Yes to more free form jazz etc... I'm more monster raving looney party! Lol..
The day I move to the "right" (again what a stupid term) is the day I want to be shot.
when that day comes you will feel may think blimey did I say that.did I do that when i was young? The more you acquire..these acquisitions change you..then one day you find your on the opposite side..children change you..suddenly your a protective parent (quite rightly) and you want your government to protect the things that are dear to you! This is how it my opinion..i was a idealist when most people were here? But life changes think you can go against the flow but what you may find is the flow has taken you just haven't noticed..
I don't think you understand so I'll it more slowly for you. I'll would rarther die than move my policits to the right. For the past 5 years I've had purple hair and I don't plan on changing my hair colour any time soon. Maybe that should give you an idea on the type of person I am. I find people on the right to be boring and xenophobic.
Think I understood exactly what you said, possibly you answered the question you wanted me to ask you? I asked no question? It was more of a statement! It's gratifying though that your using my phrases.."I'll say it more slowly for you!" Hahaha
🙂 I use that in a sarcastic way! Your use was at best clumsy! Your young, as you get older your views will change..from purple hair to no hair! Lol..