Piece in the last Delayed Gratification about sunbeds and skin cancer:
- Rates on melanoma (the dangerous form) are significantly on the increase - Cancer Research UK states there will be nearly 21,000 cases in the UK, claiming 44 lives per week - up 33%in the last five years.
- WHO says that globally, the incidence has increased by 50% in the last decade (to 280k - and is projected to top half a million by 2040.
- 90% of cases caused by overexposure to UV.
- According to the Skin Cancer Foundation in the US, more people get skin cancer from sun bed usage than get lung cancer from smoking.
- The UV output from sunbeds can be 15 times higher than the peak you get from the sun, and is banned for the under 18s.
- From Melanoma Focus (a UK charity) 28% of UK adults use a sunbed (in Belfast it's 37%). From those between 18 and 25, this rises to 43 %.
- In 2009, the WHO classed the UN emitted by tanning beds as carcinogenic, and put it in the highest category, along with asbestos and tobacco.
So surely the big question is: why?
Oh, and it's estimated that the £67M raised in VAT on sunscreen would save the NHS £128M if removed, through greater usage.