Denon D7100 worth getting if I own the D600?


New member
Jan 28, 2014
I own the D600 and I'm thinking or either getting the D7100 and using my D600 as my travel phone and 7100 as my main home phone or buying the V Moda M100 again(I owned them a while back but forgot their signature) and using the D600 as a main home phone.

Are the 7100 really a big step up? I love the D600 sound so it's really tempted me.


New member
Jan 13, 2012
Disclaimer: I have no first hand experience of either, however as no one else has posted....

The guys over at head fi reckon the d7100 isnt really "much" of an improvement over the 600, just a slightly different sound. Youd be wasting your money on a slighly better looking headphone and thats about it....IMO. I've not really seen anyone posting that theyre glad they spent the extra on the d7100.

I have researched both headphones and on my next round of head phone upgrading sessions will demo the 600 as bang per buck seems quite good.

All the best


New member
Mar 28, 2011
Ryanr1987 said:
I own the D600 and I'm thinking or either getting the D7100 and using my D600 as my travel phone and 7100 as my main home phone or buying the V Moda M100 again(I owned them a while back but forgot their signature) and using the D600 as a main home phone.

Are the 7100 really a big step up? I love the D600 sound so it's really tempted me.
Hi Ryan,

Have you seen the review on Headfonia for the D7100 and D600? They're compared in the same review. I think he liked the D600 more for the price, but did say there were things slightly better on the D7100, like soundstage. I liked the D600 enough to buy it at £160. Despite it's flaws (slighty overly humpy upper bass and rather lacking midrange) I do love it's sound, even over the more expensive Sennheiser Momentum. I haven't heard the D7100, but I own the D7000 and love that. I've heard people say that the D7100 doesn't quite stand up to the D7000, even if it does I wouldn't recommend it as an upgrade unless you really don't have to pay much for it. Considering the other headphones that you've listed in your signature (many of which I have heard), I would recommend you look at something like the Hifiman HE-500 as a true 'upgrade' to the D600. It's mids kick the pants off the high end AKGs, the lows are not the 'biggest' that I've heard, but they are the most enjoyable. I would even choose the HE-500 over the £1200 Fostex TH900 or the £1800 Grado PS1000.


New member
Jan 28, 2014
Thank you for the replies. I've read probably every single review on both of them and always find their opinions conlict a lot. I would actually love to try the HE-500 but sadly i'm stepping away from true Hifi and just going to be using efficent headphones and basic set ups. Ive had a lot of headphones and have found that I actually like basic set ups as much as a high end rig so for my taste I might aswell just stick to Mid-fi.

My journey has taking me forward and back. The Mad Dogs where my first step into Closed Back Hifi headphones and I really enjoyed their sound a lot! My plan was to buy the D600 and use them as a portable and have the Dogs as my main home phone. After getting the Denons I loved their sound bu found it inferior to the Mad Dogs. After about 2 days I found the boom to settle down and the Harashness toned down too and found the Denons to be very detailed while having a really fun lively sound.

This made most of my headphones collect dust and going back to them felt like my music didn't have that personality and emotion that the Denons seem to have, a lot like my old D2000 <3 My Mad Dogs are now up for sale not because they are bad because they are phemoninal but I've settled truly on a sound that I love and that's lively, musical with powerful Bass. This has made me want to get the D7100 and have a full Denon arsenal lol but Obviously with some reviews saying they are very similar it's making me think twice about spending £400-£450 on a pair of Phones that are indenticle with minior differences.

I'm really interested in re-buying the V-Moda M100, I had them for about a week and sold them mainly because I wanted a more Mid focused phone but weirdly I completely forgot their Sound Signature so it's making it difficult to choose between them and the D7100.


New member
Jan 28, 2014
I've had a good weeks audition with the P7. I found them ok, but I thought my D600 where superior in clarity, Bass, soundstage and musicality.

They seemed very overpriced for what they where, if they where priced at £200-£250 I think they would be more worth the it.


New member
Jan 28, 2014
Haha Sorry :p they really are excellent though! I really am shocked that some people on HeadFi dislike these but since the new design it's been hate since day 1 so I tend to take comments on there with a grain.


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