Damaged LX5090 Screen, any hope?

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I've had pannys for the past 8 years and no problems. My VT is top notch and can't be beaten on pic quality by any current sets on the market now. No image or screen burn on both my plasma TVs and my daughter constantly watches Disney etc with the big logos and no problems.

i do feel for the people who have had problems though and panasonic should grow a pair and sort it or maybe half the problem is the shoddy dealers. t's a shame because in My opinion they are the best since the kuro was stopped.
Series1boy said:
I've had pannys for the past 8 years and no problems. My VT is top notch and can't be beaten on pic quality by any current sets on the market now. No image or screen burn on both my plasma TVs and my daughter constantly watches Disney etc with the big logos and no problems.

i do feel for the people who have had problems though and panasonic should grow a pair and sort it or maybe half the problem is the shoddy dealers. t's a shame because in My opinion they are the best since the kuro was stopped.

Yeah, if you can get one that ain't duff your onto a winner, if you get one that is duff, better start praying now 😛ray:
ellisdj said:
Maybe you should have had me calibrate it after all 😉

Only joking I didnt know enough at the time so I wouldnt have the set true justice - however I wonder if your calibrator did either? I bet he didnt use BT1886 as a gamma guide. That is the way forward

I wish it was a calibration issue. If so, something could be done to rectify the problem.

Unfortunately, as you know, if a screen can't display colour uniformly, it's impossible to calibrate properly. (This isn't a criticism of Jules. If the tints were present when the TV was calibrated, they were so mild as to be beyond detection by eye.)

There's a choice with my TV. Using the calibrated Pro modes, the red tint to the middle is tuned out and in most circumstances undetectable. However, this leaves a more prominent blue/green push to the left third of the screen that has become more noticeable as the TV has aged.

The alternative is to use an uncalibrated picture mode. The blue/green tint to the left of the screen then decreases, but there's a stronger red tint to the middle third.

Most tellingly, the tints are just as evident when colour is set to zero, again proving that the issue is more fundamental than calibrating to Rec.709.

Have you tried setting colour to zero on your VT65 as a test? If your TV has the same problem, you'd certainly notice odd casts intruding on different areas of the screen. you could give it a go for 15-20 mins and report back...
Uncalibrated the image overly red anyway, especially if you use the warm colour temp setting.

Is it the same for the normal colour temp setting?

Does it do it in the THX modes?
if you had a metre you could measure full field greyscale patterns in the areas you think have a tint and then would have record of how much colour is actually there.

If they were very different in the rbg levels for the areas then I think you would have the proof.

Shame you dont live closer as I would help you to do it
However the TV is set up, different areas of the screen push different colours.

The best you can achieve with my TV is calibrate the middle to Rec.709, but this obviously throws other areas out.

A guy over at AV posted meter readings from the left, middle, and right of his VT65, which obviously show different greyscale patterns (too much blue and green to the left, too much red in the middle).

The key point is that Panasonic class this as within tolerance; and issued the same response to the guy that measured non-uniform colour reproduction on his TV.

I've owned 20, 50, and 60 series Panasonic plasmas. Panasonic hasn't been able to mass produce plasma televisions without obvious uniformity problems since 2010.

Appreciate the offer. I think you have more confidence than I do that Panasonic would acknowledge the problem and take action to resolve it, if only presented with the right evidence.

I could send Panasonic thousands of pictures and charts, but I'd be wasting my time.
I think you would expect to see some variation across the screen I cant see any screen being perfectly uniform across it - however it shouldnt be wildly out.

By what your describing its wildly out, and you would expect that to meaure wildly out.

I will keep an eye on mine to see if I notice anything similar.. sure hope not
I guess I'm poorer in the sense that I paid more for my VT65 than the GT50s it replaced. Either way I have a TV that doesn't work properly.

I'm forcing myself to watch The Jump at the moment; not because I want to, but because video of snow shows up the tints pretty clearly. Predictably, there's blue/green snow to the left of the screen and slightly redder snow in the middle.

The issue can be photographed with the TV displaying content (rather than just test patterns), though Panasonic engineers have already seen these pictures and rolled out their "within tolerance" response.

To be fair, the issues I had with all three GT50s were worse.
strapped for cash said:
I guess I'm poorer in the sense that I paid more for my VT65 than the GT50s it replaced. Either way I have a TV that doesn't work properly.

I'm forcing myself to watch The Jump at the moment; not because I want to, but because video of snow shows up the tints pretty clearly. Predictably, there's blue/green snow to the left of the screen and slightly redder snow in the middle.

The issue can be photographed with the TV displaying content (rather than just test patterns), though Panasonic engineers have already seen these pictures and rolled out their "within tolerance" response.

To be fair, the issues I had with all three GT50s were worse.

Out of interest, how long had you had your VT for before the issue started to become noticeable?
mr malarky said:
Out of interest, how long had you had your VT for before the issue started to become noticeable?

Maybe 3-4 months. It's hard to be very specific.

I'd be intrigued to hear whether you can spot any obvious tints to your ZT's images if you drop the colour control down to zero. I understand if you don't want to participate in such an experiment.

I'm not trying to alarm other owners. I'm interested in how common these issues are on 2013 Panasonic plasmas and the extent to which they're replicated across different models and screen sizes.
bigboss said:
I hope the OP's issue is sorted, now that the thread has gone widely off topic!
Lol I thought the same earlier and realised the op hasn't been on the thread for a little while now
I have a what I can only describe as a brown 'smudge' on the right side of my screen, a couple of inches wide and maybe a foot long. Only noticable in white or plain/light coloured backgrounds. Can anyone tell me what this might be/caused by? It is noticable in a photograph so i will be getting in touch with Panasonic asap. Does anyone know from experience if this problem is likely to get worse?

Thanks in advance.
That might be noormal mate. Check out the avf review of the tv. He talks about white vertical banding i am guessing this is what you have if its only on white and not noticeable normal viewing but post your pic so we can see
strapped for cash said:
mr malarky said:
Out of interest, how long had you had your VT for before the issue started to become noticeable?

Maybe 3-4 months. It's hard to be very specific.

I'd be intrigued to hear whether you can spot any obvious tints to your ZT's images if you drop the colour control down to zero. I understand if you don't want to participate in such an experiment.

I'm not trying to alarm other owners. I'm interested in how common these issues are on 2013 Panasonic plasmas and the extent to which they're replicated across different models and screen sizes.

I might do, though to be honest I'm a bit scared to! So far the panel seems ok (if there is a problem I haven't noticed it yet), and this may well be a case of 'ignorance is bliss'!

Hence the question about how long it had taken your fault to develop, I've had mine about 8 months now and every time I read a thread about panasonic plasma's I feel like there's some invisible clock counting down towards the day when I switch mine on and see some sort of obvious panel defect..

To date there's no obvious uniformity problem visible with Sky's EPG, which from memory is something that has highlighted an issue on other panels?
Thank you mate, now I know what to call it. I need to know if it will get worse/spread etc, also if this is 'within spec' according to Panasonic. I have had the set for just over a year, and I have the five year guarantee, so I will start the ball rolling.
If you have been reading these forums and the issues some members are having with there panasonic plasmas then you may have a fight on your hand as panasonic are putting everthing down to within tolerence on any issues with there tvs all i can say if your not happy with the issue contact your retailer first explain the issue and see what there response is when i had my panasonic plasma i had the dirty screen effect on my gt30 which dident get any worse but with the other issues i had i got rid of it to my son who does alot of gaming and now has serious i.r and screen burn now the tv is usless and only two years old i do hope that if you do contact the retailer with your concerns i hope you get a speedy solution
Roundhead 5000 said:
Thank you mate, now I know what to call it. I need to know if it will get worse/spread etc, also if this is 'within spec' according to Panasonic. I have had the set for just over a year, and I have the five year guarantee, so I will start the ball rolling.

recent forum posts would suggest that if your TV were to jump off its stand, slap you roundly across the face, sleep with your nearest & dearest before taking your car for a quick spin round the block and then kicking back with a bottle of your finest wine and a fat cigar, panasonic would respond by saying "yeah, that's within spec for that model I'm afraid sir"..
mr malarky said:
recent forum posts would suggest that if your TV were to jump off its stand, slap you roundly across the face, sleep with your nearest & dearest before taking your car for a quick spin round the block and then kicking back with a bottle of your finest wine and a fat cigar, panasonic would respond by saying "yeah, that's within spec for that model I'm afraid sir"..

Guess what? That's exactly what happened to me. Uncanny. :grin:
Dirty Screen on a 2013 LG - the Panny is nothing compared to this and proves not just Panasonic

Do you notice it on blu ray source material or just sky / tv broadcast?

Also do you notice it watching the scrolling bar?
The vertical band issue on 2012 Panasonics was/is far more intrusive than anything I can see on those photographs of the LG.

I'm becoming a serial moaner, and I appreciate that you're really happy with your VT, but you'd need to see 2012 Panasonics in action to get a real sense of the problem. As I've said before, the issues I had with three GT50s were quite a bit worse than the problems I have with my VT65.
bigboss said:
I hope the OP's issue is sorted, now that the thread has gone widely off topic!

I'm as guilty as anyone here. We should probably discuss Panasonic plasma issues on one of the several threads dedicated to these televisions.

Likewise, I hope the OP's made some progress. (If you're reading this, post to let us know how you're getting on.)


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