Damaged LX5090 Screen, any hope?

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It may not be too bad for you (for me it's a serious concern), but people wanting to buy a new TV need to be aware of this, and of Panasonic's attitude towards honouring warranties. Panasonic TVs don't sell well even in their country of origin (Japan), BBB can testify this.
I watch everything on my Kuro and play games, never restricted myself about what to watch and for how long. Never had any problems with IR / screen burn / any other problems. It required a repair only once (last year).
3937edwards said:
Why is it with all the issues with panasonic plasmas and the amount of posts on these forums from unhappy owners people still insist on recommending these useless tvs |(

The frustrating thing about 2013 Panasonic plasmas is that they're so close to greatness you're almost willing to overlook any problems.

My calibrated VT65 is capable of producing genuinely breathtaking images; and while the 9th generation Kuros still beat the VT/ZT65 for outright black level, the Panasonics come incredibly close. The VT and ZT also beat the Pioneers in other areas, and of course have functionality no TV offered when Pioneer exited the plasma business.

There's a part of me that's considering keeping my VT65, in spite of its problems, if only because I don't think there's a viable alternative. I'd also miss the depth of image this TV offers. 2D pictures often look 3D and seem to extend behind the screen. I wouldn't get that image depth with any other television on the market.

It's such a shame, therefore, when tints appear in content that shouldn't be present, especially when watching black and white films, which is something I do quite often.
The biggest issue I have with my Panasonic is the horizontal banding (where light in the background impacts on objects in the foreground) it was really bad on my VT50, so it got replaced with a VT60. This one still has it, though not to the same extent.
bigboss said:
It may not be too bad for you (for me it's a serious concern), but people wanting to buy a new TV need to be aware of this, and of Panasonic's attitude towards honouring warranties. Panasonic TVs don't sell well even in their country of origin (Japan), BBB can testify this.

The thing is all TVs are not 100 per cent reliable. There has been problems for many years now and I have been through most of these so I think I am in a good place to judge. I will continue to recommend this years unless we have more problems.
bigboss said:
I watch everything on my Kuro and play games, never restricted myself about what to watch and for how long. Never had any problems with IR / screen burn / any other problems. It required a repair only once (last year).

My 5090 got screen burn so not exactly that reliable either and they have problems with buzzing and red tint problems.
gel said:
bigboss said:
Strapped is having problems with his VT65, ellisdj has had his VT65 replaced. Only the ZT60 owners haven't reported problems on this forum so far.

That is not too bad.

How many replacements and repairs have you had on Panasonic plasmas gel?

You also have to avoid rolling news programmes don't you gel, so how can a tv be great, when it limits the amount of time you can watch anything with fixed, prominent logos?

My Kuro never had this problem, and the Samsung's don't seem to have a major problem with it, so why do more recent Panasonic plasmas still suffer from screen burn and image retention?

The way Panasonic are dismissing faults with their tvs as within spec is almost criminal. There is no mention of all these "within spec" problems in their literature, or on their website, and the sales people of their authorised dealers never mention any of these problems when you buy a Panasonic plasma from them, yet this information is spouted by Panasonic once yout tv has developed one of these faults.

I'm not denying that the 2013 Panasonic plasmas have less problems, but they shouldn't have any problems at all, and if they do, they should be dealt with as a fault of Panasonic's, and not as a fault of the purchasers.

As I've said before, Panasonic have lost me forever.

I don't think you can compare previous generations but I have been through a few! 🙂. Good point about the news channels - that I should probably mention.
hi walt sorry to here about your screen,i had a replacement screen on my lx508d not cracked but had a red glow on it when on a blank screen,i had a new pannel put in it which i beleive that cost the insurer about £1000 .if you are in the essex i would recomend gwen tv they give great service and hold up most respect for you tv like it was there own.what i would like to compare is a pioneer with a new screen up against panasonic new tv,a lot of people say the panasonics are better but the normally compare it next to a screen five years old.good luck david
gel said:
bigboss said:
I watch everything on my Kuro and play games, never restricted myself about what to watch and for how long. Never had any problems with IR / screen burn / any other problems. It required a repair only once (last year).

My 5090 got screen burn so not exactly that reliable either and they have problems with buzzing and red tint problems.

Not mine. Definitely not a widely reported problem. 🙂

In any case, I don't recommend people to buy the Kuro anymore. 🙂
bigboss said:
gel said:
bigboss said:
I watch everything on my Kuro and play games, never restricted myself about what to watch and for how long. Never had any problems with IR / screen burn / any other problems. It required a repair only once (last year).

My 5090 got screen burn so not exactly that reliable either and they have problems with buzzing and red tint problems.

Not mine. Definitely not a widely reported problem. 🙂

In any case, I don't recommend people to buy the Kuro anymore. 🙂

Fair enough. 🙂

Just been checking out the Sony 4K TV at £2500, that is a nice TV, I should recommend that.
I did get my 65VT replaced but that wouldnt stop me buying another one. I have calibrated a ZT while its excellent and the image is cleaner and it moves a bit better cleaner as well the bigger VT wins for me all day. Based on seeing mine my dad bought the ZT and my cousin the 65VT.

My cousin has had no problems so far except for what is stated in reviews i.e. you get some non uniformity visible on plain white backgrounds but not visible during 99.999 % of normal content.

Other son AVF with ZT's have had similar problem to me so the ZT is not exempt

People think Kuros were perfect they werent - mine worked flawlessly granted but actual playback performance is not near on par with the new Pannys and you get 3D which is actually a million times better than I was expecting. and its bigger much mich bigger with better calibration controls.

I have calibrated it to be as crisp as 2D in 3D - its not as rich or bright or colourful but its not far off.

Its not a perfect TV far from it but its still bloody impressive even after a good period of time.

A lot of expensive tech now days seems to have issues - there must be a fair few owners with problems with Sonys and Samsungs.. Or they may start getting problems down the line who knows. If you worry about that all the time you wouldnt buy anything
I don't think the issue is "which TV is better" at all here. It's after sales support by manufacturers. My Kuro was repaired once, and it was hassle free. No questions asked. Panasonic tends to fob off customers saying the faults are "within spec", and the OP needs to be aware of the documented issues before committing to a purchase.
Fair play to Richer Sounds to sort your problem out ellisdj, but didn't Panasonic fob you off as well? That's the issue I have with Panasonic, refusing to take responsibility and sorting issues out.

The lady I spoke to who answered the phone at Panasonic fobbed me off but I dont think that is 100% representative. What she said was ridiculous and in my rage I posted about it. Richers was really good in the end but they have stated image retention is contentious - I dont think it should be - you should be able to watch a tv for as long as you want on any content but the reality is you cant with these sets

I think a lot of the people who are posting on here have bought the Pannys based on them being the best Picture same as on AVF. I am sure there are loads of people who will have bought samsungs and sonys and wouldnt even notice if there was a problem with it. There will be loads of happy Panasnic Plasma owners as well

I dont think its unreasonable to expect perfection when you buy something so I dont blame people for wanting to return sets with issues and it does always seem to be panasonic TV's people are on here moaning about

I have made a few comments on before of I felt Panasonic lose money on tv's because so many of them are returned.....

So far though there hasnt been anybody I have seen who has not had their set replaced or engineers out to fix it in the end.

Take Strapped for example - he can now chop his in and get a much bigger one 🙂
ellisdj said:
The lady I spoke to who answered the phone at Panasonic fobbed me off but I dont think that is 100% representative. What she said was ridiculous and in my rage I posted about it. Richers was really good in the end but they have stated image retention is contentious - I dont think it should be - you should be able to watch a tv for as long as you want on any content but the reality is you cant with these sets

I think a lot of the people who are posting on here have bought the Pannys based on them being the best Picture same as on AVF. I am sure there are loads of people who will have bought samsungs and sonys and wouldnt even notice if there was a problem with it. There will be loads of happy Panasnic Plasma owners as well

I dont think its unreasonable to expect perfection when you buy something so I dont blame people for wanting to return sets with issues and it does always seem to be panasonic TV's people are on here moaning about

I have made a few comments on before of I felt Panasonic lose money on tv's because so many of them are returned.....

So far though there hasnt been anybody I have seen who has not had their set replaced or engineers out to fix it in the end.

Take Strapped for example - he can now chop his in and get a much bigger one 🙂

just to point out that those of us relying on the panasonic warranty (me) are having to fight tooth and nail trying to get a faulty tv replaced due to and I quote panasonics escalation team 'an unnessecary repair'. There repair work has left me much worse off and I'm fighting the it's within spec moto.

Panasonic themselves are useless, unfortunately for me so is my retailer. Those that have had replacements have been at the shops expense, not panasonic.
ellisdj said:
So far though there hasnt been anybody I have seen who has not had their set replaced or engineers out to fix it in the end.

That's John Lewis or Richer Sounds sorting it out, not Panasonic. Look at rocketrazor's example, where the retailer hasn't helped.
ellisdj said:
Take Strapped for example - he can now chop his in and get a much bigger one 🙂

That's yet to be confirmed. I'm still jumping through hoops.

My photographs of the tints weren't enough for Panasonic. A service engineer has been round to capture more images of the tints, photograph my seating position at Panasonic's request (why?), and I'm almost certain they'll come back with a "within tolerance" response, as before.

I'm really at the mercy of the retailer. If Panasonic had their way, I'm almost certain that nothing would be done at all.

Incidentally, according to the service engineer, the issue isn't limited to 50" sets. (He's seen it on larger 2013 Panasonic plasma, from ST up to VT.)

It's worth pointing out that I've experienced more than a full year of issues with Panasonic plasmas now, in one way or another.
bigboss said:
It may not be too bad for you (for me it's a serious concern), but people wanting to buy a new TV need to be aware of this, and of Panasonic's attitude towards honouring warranties. Panasonic TVs don't sell well even in their country of origin (Japan), BBB can testify this.

According to my wife, Sharp and Toshiba are the most popular tv brands in Japan.

The Sony Bravia (no specific model) are the most highly rated, followed by theToshiba Regza, then Panasonic. Sharp seem to be the cheap and cheerful brand, that most ordinary people buy.
bigboss said:
It may not be too bad for you (for me it's a serious concern), but people wanting to buy a new TV need to be aware of this, and of Panasonic's attitude towards honouring warranties. Panasonic TVs don't sell well even in their country of origin (Japan), BBB can testify this.

According to my wife, Sharp and Toshiba are the most popular tv brands in Japan.

The Sony Bravia (no specific model) are the most highly rated, followed by theToshiba Regza, then Panasonic. Sharp seem to be the cheap and cheerful brand, that most ordinary people buy.

I like Sharp.
strapped for cash said:
ellisdj said:
Take Strapped for example - he can now chop his in and get a much bigger one 🙂

My photographs of the tints weren't enough for Panasonic. A service engineer has been round to capture more images of the tints, photograph my seating position at Panasonic's request (why?), and I'm almost certain they'll come back with a "within tolerance" response, as before.

that makes no sense, what difference does your seating position make to a fault! Quality panasonic :wall:

this is part of the issue with panasonic, they MUST have photographic proof, otherwise if you can't capture it by photo it's not faulty.

it sounds to me like there trying to find ways to avoid having to deem the unit faulty, which means you'll then be reliant on John Lewis's customer service. I hope you have better luck than I'm having strapped
I agree with everything as above - a tv should be perfect as should everything you buy - it should fulfill its purpose perfectly. If it doesnt then the manufacturer should sort it out. Asking for proof doesnt sound unreasonable though.

However even with everything it wouldnt put me off buying another as I do really love the TV.

To better this I think it will need to be OLED and thats a few years off being cheaper at this size and then what problems will they have.... hopefully none.
Asking for proof is perfectly fine.

My question is, how much proof does Panasonic need? They've had several photographs of the tints (and an engineer's report) and classified the problem as within tolerance.

In my view, Panasonic either can't do anything to resolve the problem, or won't because a solution isn't cost effective. Either way, nothing is done and I'm left with a TV that applies non-uniform tints that can't be calibrated out.

Panasonic's strategy seems to be placing obstacle after obstacle in front of owners in the hope they'll eventually give up. As I say, I'm left at the mercy of the retailer.

There's a broader question, however, namely is this still the best TV available, despite screen uniformity problems? After much thought, I've concluded that the answer is probably "yes."

I don't know where this leaves me. Disappointed, probably. I'll wait and see what solutions are offered.
Its not nice when you have grief, I do get really up tight in that type of situation - I would be interested to see how bad the tints are on your screen.

Maybe you should have had me calibrate it after all 😉

Only joking I didnt know enough at the time so I wouldnt have the set true justice - however I wonder if your calibrator did either? I bet he didnt use BT1886 as a gamma guide. That is the way forward


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