CYRUS with Vienna Acoustic Beethoven Baby Grand Speakers - The Experience


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Apr 8, 2012
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There are not many reviews to the Cyrus/Vienna Acoustic full line up so here's a post on my experience:

The System


- PreAmp DAC XP+

- Two Mono Bloc X 300’s


- Vienna Acoustic Beethoven Baby Grand Speakers

- Music Hall MMF -5.1SE

- Tube Box S Phono PreAmp


- Chord Indigo Plus Digital

- Chord Anthem 2 XLR’s

- Nordost White Lightning

- Chord Epic to Speakers

Mixing and matching high-end audio equipment to achieve the ultimate sound one wants is often the way music lovers prefer. I had always done this until Sevenoaks Sound and Vision, Southampton, UK, introduced me to Cyrus.


Cyrus staff have been extremely helpful and responsive to a multitude of questions thrown at them to convince me that building this system was going to deliver what was required, top quality balanced sonic sound from bass to treble with unrivalled detail.

Sevenoaks Sound and Vision retail outlet in Southampton also provided good service and advice. They were the first to introduce me to Cyrus with an impromptu purchase of the Cyrus 8 QX Dac integrated amplifier, for another system.


One can read mixed reviews about Cyrus’s magnesium alloy die-cast casing but personally I find them aesthetically pleasing, attractive and compact not requiring a whole wall of furniture equipment to get a satisfactory layout configuration. In each boxed component comes both UK and European plugs (smart move!), the remote control, information on CD and where applicable the special speaker cable connectors and equipment interconnectors. The LCD displays have a green background clear and simple and once mastered can be labeled to each input source. The BUS system works well, one click with the remote and the whole system comes to life. Overall a class package from looks, size and equipment supplied.

The Experience

The complete System components had at least two weeks of ‘running in’ time as the equipment including cables improves over time.

A selection of CD’s including Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto, Pink Floyd, Mike Oldfield, Adele, Annie Lennox, Pavarotti, Wagner, Train and Snow Patrol were used for the tests.

My room is 22ft in length x 18ft wide x11ft to the ceiling. Positioning of the speakers finally was set at 5ft into the room from any wall, 7ft apart and 10ft from the listening position.

The System produced a superb bass, mid and treble balance. There is an extraordinary level of detail and harmonic poise. It is the first time I have ever closed my eyes and felt that the music is not coming from a Hi Fi system but is actually live in the room. This is particularly noticeable for orchestral music where one can physically identify the position of each section of the orchestra, front to back and left to right. Even for modern music there is no trace of a suggestion that Adele, Annie Lennox, Pink Floyd or other is electronically being reproduced, they are genuinely there standing in front of you.

One reads many theories on whether the DAC component should be in the CD next to the ‘clock’ or if it should be in the pre-amp. The CDXT SE2 (with PSX-R) is cabled to the preamp with the Chord Indigo Plus digital interconnect. Through the Vienna Acoustic speakers the sound is sonically pure, crisp and the clarity/detail is astounding.

The Music Hall vinyl player with Tube Box S performs well and with a good clean up of my old vinyl records I happily revisited past times.

Do not imagine that the Mono Bloc X 300 power amplifiers are used only for power. They are truly the icing on the cake when it comes to detail and balance through the Chord Anthem 2 XLR’s.


I have other speakers but the Vienna Acoustics are the only speakers where the music becomes live, rich and detailed. The bass is clear, the mid range is balanced and the treble is pure. They perform well at quiet levels for relaxation and become exceptional when the decibels are pushed up a notch or two. They do not have bi-wiring terminals but the Chord Epic cables work well. The speakers, in rosewood finish are extremely attractive, solid, and impressive.

Do not hesitate to go for the Vienna Acoustics if you have the budget.

So one can go for the mix and match approach and get a lot of fun along the road. For once I followed a brand and recommendations from Cyrus and the retailers Sevenoaks Sound and Vision. For me the result is a beautifully balanced system delivering a sonically pure sound with great satisfaction.


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Jun 12, 2010
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Some very nice kit there - lucky man! Completely concur on the Vienna Acoustics Baby Grands - a truly wonderful set of speakers that are a match made in heaven for Cyrus.


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Aug 21, 2009
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Very good to hear about your lovely, well thought out and balanced system.

Only one thing missing......some photos (Jeepers, I do believe that Ben Law is rubbing off on me!)


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Sep 6, 2007
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Very nice system and interesting set up. I love my VA speakers (I purposefully didn't demo the Beethovens as I'd heard how brilliant they were!). Just FYI, I've used Epic speaker cable in the past and although I now have cheap cables (I went from 2m pair to 13m), I used Tellurium Q Black for a while and they were a step up from the Chord cable. It is surprising that there are hardly any VA owners on here as they are stunning speakers.


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Apr 8, 2012
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Having not kept up with latest technology for eight years my last line up was the Musical Fidelity X-A1 integrated amplifier with Mission 773e speakers and the Arcam CD player (I think the Diva 73) all which I loved and now in the possession of my daughter.

I live in Moscow and genuine Cyrus equipment is about 30 to 40% higher here than in UK! So the build was done gradually each time I came back to UK to see my grown up kids.

Speakers were the big problem! No way was I going to carry them back. First I bought the new ProAc 150 mk II's in Moscow. They sounded very lively and good for punchy popular music. The treble though can get very shrill and gets tiring after a while.

The Russian dealer, Salon HiFi, called one day and told me he had the VA BBG's in stock. He was prepared to sell them at the same price as in UK with the stunning Rosewood finish. He let me trial them for two weeks. To start with the sound was complex and unraveled but after a week they opened up one Saturday morning, astounding. When the Mono Blocs finally got added the system detail and purity became unbelievable.

Sevenoaks told me they also think the VA's are a great range of speakers and used to have them in stock but people would only buy British.

Pics to follow.


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Sep 6, 2007
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Just to follow up on this, I bought mine from Fanthorpes. I would have got them from my local Sevenoaks but they didn't stock them. I demo'd a pair at a non local Sevenoaks but the service on offer was very poor (unlike my Epsom shop) and I decided not to bother with them. The level of detail still amazes me but they also have a warmth and deep bass.


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Jan 17, 2012
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Great writing thanks

I can only agree On the VA I demoed the Beethoven Baby arround 6month ago I was scotched it's a great speaker like you say airy detailed wit tight clean bass.

You know there are some equipment's you listen to that you always think back of seeing you self enjoying the music in that demo room with a smile on your face. (even if you you provably not end up buing it)

The VA test is one of those test.

Cant't juge the rest of the equipment but I'm pretty shure it must sound heavenly good.

Great choice of speakers


Pictures work well. Thanks for sharing this detailed review along with stunning photos.


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Apr 8, 2012
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Roby, I think you some it up well. We all have different tastes. For me I love the Cyrus firtsly for performance but also I love the compact and simple style and thus kept going with one maker. When I tested the Mono Blocs 300 in the shop I couldn't believe that it was possible that two small boxes could extract so much more detail!

As for the speakers I agree with you they bring a smile to my face every day. What astonishes me is the lack of testing done by What HiFi.


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Oct 26, 2007
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For decades, my ears have been anti-Cyrus and pro-Arcam. And then at this year's Bristol show I heard the setup at Cyrus's stand/room/area, which was some system with myriad amps/boxes + Viennas, and it sounded chuffing lovely - best in show, IMHO


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Apr 8, 2012
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Chebby, for sure, I love Spooks and have all DVD's


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Oct 8, 2010
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Golly640 said:
Crossie, given that I made a mistake and it is the DAC XP+ would you still recommend the PX-R for this unit?

Hope you don't mind me jumping in here, as proud new owner of a DAC XP+ , the bit in the manual about adding a PSX-R says...

The PSX-R is a unique DC power supply which will upgrade the sonic performance of your DAC XP+ and other Cyrus products. When a DAC XP+ / PSX-R combination is installed, the analogue section of the DAC stage is powered from this clean, stable power source while other requirements are supplied internally. This ensures complete isolation of the sensitive analogue
sections reducing AC mains-borne noise and power supply ripple. the PSX-R has a very specific function, which from other people's experience on this forum (and WHFSV when they tested) does improve the sound.

I don't have room for more than one PSX-R, so have to choose between coupling with CDXTSE2 or the DAC XP+ . My gut feel is that the DAC XP+ will benefit more...but will swap around and see/hear if any difference.


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Aug 4, 2009
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+1 for a PSX-R on the Dac XP. This will give the Dac XP two separate supplies, one for the Pre electronics and one for the Dac electronics.

If I had only one PSX-R with your kit I would be tempted to put it on the Dac XP.

You have a great set up shame not complete it - get another know you want to >)


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