Correct TV settings


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I have just bought a Sony 46" W-Series LCD tv. I need some advise on the correct or best setting. What should I set the colour, contrast, sharpness etc. I spent about 2 hours yesterday and when 1 channel looked good another one looked a bit ropey. I have Sky SD so I know not to expect HD quality. But somone must have done this before..

Also would anybody be able to tell me what cables I need to run from my current Sky dish to enable me to have HD Sky, my dish is halfway down my garden and will have to run the cable myself.

Help Pls

Andrew Everard

New member
May 30, 2007
Sure someone will weigh in with some set-up advice, but as far as Sky HD is concerned, it's exactly the same dish-to-box cabling as Sky+, so twin runs of cable to feed the two tuners so you can record one channel while watching the other.


New member
Jun 28, 2007
The differnces you are noticeing in the picture from one channel to another is down to the content that said channel is transmitting for example Sky One will look far better than say a shopping channel or Men and Motors as Sky One is transmitting a better signal. To help get some idea of how to set up your screen as well as possible try investing in Digital Video Essentials dvd ( this will help you set the correct levels for your tv for the dvd input but will help teach you some essential skills in seting up your levels on all channels, trust me its £15 well spent.