Clearer Audio Copperline Alpha mains cables


New member
Sep 6, 2007
Well after another break from HiFi and here (I've had a number of weightlifting competitions over the last few months (competing at as well as managing) I've got back to spending some money on my HiFi system...

I bought 2 of the above a week or so back and have managed to get them plugged in and running the system this morning and afternoon.

All I can say is WOW... What a difference!

I was a little sceptical at first as I've had aftermarket mains leads before and noticed no difference but after putting these 2 onto my Alpha 10 amp and the Alpha 7SE CDP the sound differences are very noticeable.

Deeper, more fuller bass, smoother midrange and less coloured treble.

It's probably the best £65 I've spent!!!

Has anyone else come across the same views with these or other mains leads?
You must have *** mains to make that much of a difference - consider an Isotek Sigmas and/or some more expensive Nordost type cable.

(BTW I have good mains and this sort of stuff makes no difference at all!)
Yes i recently bought 2 power cables with the wattgate plugs on the end and a 4 way copperline extension box - a real noticable difference - next upgrade possibly an atlas equator superior interconnect and atlas hyper biwire small out lay big differences playing with cables does work!
They do make a huge difference, glad it has made an amazing difference on your system.
You must have *** mains to make that much of a difference - consider an Isotek Sigmas and/or some more expensive Nordost type cable.

(BTW I have good mains and this sort of stuff makes no difference at all!)

Lucky for you....!

My mains are fine and I run a Tacima block as well

Each to their own I'd say


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