Cheaper TV plus Blu-ray for quick fix vs better TV and save again


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I have around £700 to buy a new TV. Have only SD at this time and love watching movies and a bit of sport.

Would readers go for a decent cheaper TV, like the Sony KDL-32P3020 at around £400 and add a blu-ray player, either Pana DMP BD30 or perhaps a PS3. Meaning I am straight in with quality movie experience from delivery.


Would readers blow the lot on a better TV, (Pana TX-32LZD80 or TX-32LZD85 top the shortlist) and make do in the meantime with my Sony RDR HX900 plus standard DVD's. Then save again for both blu-ray and eventually Sky-HD.

Currently have kids on Wii whenever they can and the basic virgin cable package, if this makes a difference to my decision. Any advice is welcome.
I'd go for plan B. Lots of new Blu-ray player coming this year, and prices in the mass-market can only be heading down as the format attempts to get some share of the market, so waiting for Blu-ray will be no bad thing.
I really think you are wasting your money on a full HD 32" TV.

Unless you sit right on top of it, you wont see any benefit from the extra resolution.


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