Upgrade AV amp, blu-ray player and TV

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I recently went from a 5.1 system to a 7.1.4 system. For me, upgrade from 5.1 to 7.1 has been significant. The sound just envelopes you beautifully. There's no point in storing 2 speakers unused in the cellar when you can use them to go for 7.1.

Whether you need extra connections or not is your choice, but if you're looking for value for money, you can get the Marantz SR7009 with all the connections you'll ever need in the future at a slightly cheaper price than Anthem MRX 310 (and SR7009 is the flagship AV receiver in Marantz's range; SR6009 is even cheaper). I only set my home cinema system up last week and I'm astounded by Marantz's performance with movies and music. Highly recommended.
Yep some sort of router is needed but you should one of those provided from your service provider.

Well your good to go with an anthem as you have all the things nessasary for it and as long as your near your router for hardwire connection your good to go (you can buy extra long ethernet cables). It takes around 5-10mins for a set up and its insansly acurate and it shows you what going on in the room which the marantz won't so a plus in my book. but the marantz is better spec'ed.

But i prefer the simplier amps which is why im personally leaning toward an Anthem's myself.

And yep the 310 has the ARC facility too exactly the same as the others.

But do audition all the options if you can that is.
Although the ARC 510 is a 5.1 system, surely I can get a 7.1 system (if I want it), by connecting it up with my Arcam integrated amp. Is this correct?

I've disconnected my Denon Tuner (TU425RD) from my amp since I get excellent reception via cable of the main BBC radio channels through my AV system ( I really only listen to BBC R3 & 4). I dont really need the tuner in the AVR300 either so thats another cable I can discard to add to the mains & audio cables from the Denon.

Ive muted my Sony TV sound - never used it - so I hope to be able to get a monitor only 4K 49-55 inch when I upgrade my system. Are there any available (or likely to be). If which producer?
Anthem you can buy power amps for to turn them into 7 channels but the 510 is 7 channel amp. But you have to ask your self do you need 7 channels i personally could fit in a nother 2 speakers in the rear and move the sofer pretty much into the middle of my room to get corret sound. Regardless if others really enojoy it i and many others just cant do it.

So is the extra 5-600 worth spending for 2 extra channels.

4k tvs come with radio station on certain channels and all nower days come with something called ARC (audio return channel ) which dose exatly that. When the TV senses that you have turned your amp on it will automaticly mute the tv speakers and send the audio back down the same HDMI cable. 4k sammy even has a specail DTS mode that it send back down the hdmi and it really dose a great job.

You won't go far wrong with either anthem but i think £500 could be better spent else where. On a 4k blu ray player for example but thats just me.
Sorry! My mistake. I meant the Anthem 310. So my question about getting 7 channels by connecting with my integrated amp. still applies (it drives my FR & FLs ). Surely all I need to do, (if I get the 310), is connect the 2 unused speaker sockets to my rear surrounds when or if I want 7.1

Was thinking of a Sammy 4K anyway.
I don't think you can play 7 channels with a 5.1 AVR + additional amp. How will the AVR & amp talk to each other?

Having recently moved from a 5.1 to 7.1 system, I would disagree with millenia_one. It's well worth it in my experience, especially as the OP already has 7 speakers. Go for Marantz if cost is an issue.
No wouldn't work as you can't reasign the front channels and it wouldn't talk to your AVR correctly (5.1 yes 7.1 no). Marantz, Anthem and Arcam all good and really the only thing you can do is listen to them then decide if you have room for 7.1.

7.1 mybe a revealation but if you don't have room (by room i mean need proper sepation between the channels) and need to start channeling walls or any major things of that note, then to add 2 extra speakers its alot of work and will cost even more.

But if your placeing 2 extra speaker in the room far enough do it and have room do it. But i would still rather spend the money else where.

But if you have 2 extra speakers laying about try it with the amp you have now and see. Thats 7.1 isn't?
Well, when I play DVDs & Blu-rays my large, quality LF & RF speakers are driven by my Arcam integrated amp and the AVR300 drives the front and surround speakers. They two amps are connected from Pre -out on one to play-in on the other. So I'm only using 3 amps on my AVR. If I wanted I could plug in 2 more speakers to get 7.1 surround. Why did I make this change? Because I did not want 2 sets of speakers either side of the TV., one pair of large Hi End Avalons (for quality classical music listening) and the smaller Fl & Fr's (on stands) from my surround speaker set (both with speaker cables). I dont know what the connecting cable is called. Anyway, it works, cos when I press amp. on my remote both click on and I get the full surround sound from both DVD and Blu-ray. When I play CDs or listen to radio I switch off the AVR.
neither of you think it works. But read me reply to Bigboss. If it works with a 7.1 amp, why not with a 5.1?
Let me give you my example. My AV receiver has only 9 channels of amplification, but has pre-outs to support 11 channels. I've connected my stereo amplifier to the extra pre-outs and so all the 11 speakers are amplified. Because my stereo amplifier connects to my AV receiver, they're able to co-ordinate sound with each other.

A 5.1 AV receiver can work with 7 speakers only if it has pre-outs for 7 speakers. Anthem MRX310 doesn't have this.
I also have a 9-channel AV receiver (Denon 4810) which has pre-outs to support 11 channels. I have also connected a £55 eBay (but quite good and powerful) Sony TA-FB930R stereo amplifier to the extra two pre-outs (for the front wide speakers) and so all 11 channels are amplified. Because my stereo amplifier connects to my AV receiver, they're able to to talk to each other.

(I hope that Bigboss doesn't sue me for plagiarism!)
Hi! just looked up Anthem's website. Your both right. The 310 does not allow Bi-amping of front R & L speakers. So it has to be the 7.1 amp then or, as suggested, the marantz or another Arcam (a bit expensive).

When I update what can I do with my Sony KDL-46. 4500 TV; Pioneer BDP-51FD blu-ray player and Arcam AVR300?? (that's a total of 4000 Euro's worth originally),

What have others done with out-of-date equipment? It must have some value. I know Arcam offer a rebate on old AVRs (although not much). But I would need to sell if I get Anthem, or Marantz.
Bonajones38 said:
When I update what can I do with my Sony KDL-46. 4500 TV; Pioneer BDP-51FD blu-ray player and Arcam AVR300?? (that's a total of 4000 Euro's worth originally),

What have others done with out-of-date equipment? It must have some value. I know Arcam offer a rebate on old AVRs (although not much). But I would need to sell if I get Anthem, or Marantz.

Keep it and move it to another room. That's what I have done, moving equipment from parlour to kitchen to my bedroom to front bedroom, as more modern equipment is slowly acquired. Hence I have home cinema systems in all rooms, you see, but I do realise that not everyone can do that.

If you can't move your old stuff to another room, have you not heard of eBay or of the AVForums classified section https://www.avforums.com/forums/home-cinema-hi-fi-classifieds.62/ ?
Sorry putting it in another room is NOT an option for me. I wouldn't want stuff surplus to requirements anyway.


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