The answer really lies in how and what type of music you listen to. I have a Densen £1400 Cd player and the programme function doesn't work. I thought about returning it to be fixed, but actually I never use it. If you listen to classical music, it is long enough for you to not need to keep jumping up and changing 'tracks'. In fact the genre is not really refered to as 'tracks', but complete pieces of music, broken into movements. Furthermore, hardly any new releases (by current performers) is available as a download, although there are exceptions, it is clearly a minority of new releases. Even with popular artists, I listen to the complete album eg Van Morrison, Neil Young, Steely Dan, because these are 'serious', 'timeles' artists who have produced a classic body of work that warrents repeated listening. Secondly, I have found CD's to be much cheaper to buy via Amazon than individual mp3 downloads. Also, the last thing I want is a screen of any kind in the room where I listen to music. Finally, it is with great regret that I didnt purchase a SACD player and am considering buying one to run side-by-side with the Densen, as so much classical music uses this format. Although it must be said that the sound quality on a lot of new classical releases in standard format is outstanding and with classical music the quality and care taken over the recording is paramount. Unlike pop/rock a single piece of music might have up to 50 different recordings of the same work.