canuck2:I was not referring to ripped cds through your comp.
No, you weren't, I was, that's the point I'm trying to make, everybody nay-saying the idea of computer-based-music is whinging about how downloads don't provide the same experience or you can't get hold of decent quality music off the net. My point is and always has been, you don't need to download anything to listen to digitally streamed music, you don't need to sacrifice any quality and you don't need a CD player.
I was referring to downloads off the internet . I use my MD to do recording . It's just the same as your format except yours holds more material and it's probably faster
I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about now. MD, mini-disc? From what I recall that's a lossy format, in which case it isn't the same as ripping a CD to FLAC, as that's lossless.
Where does your assumption of alternative to cd come from? I made no such reference.
Hmm, well, that's the topic of this thread, are CD players on the way out? If they are, then it can only be because there's a viable alternative, which is what we're discussing, is there such an alternative? What are you talking about?
Get your facts straight, fella . I'm out of here .
Oh my facts are geometrically lined up and ready to go son...