Casino Royale Blu-ray Problems


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi All,

Whilst testing televisions for a future purchase, I've noticed juddering issues with certain parts of the Casino Royale Blu-ray...

An obvious, easy to see, example is when the Virgin plane is landing behind Bond as he chases after the truck during the airport action scene (00:47:28) - as the plane passes in the background it isn't moving smoothly.

This has been apparent during tests of Panasonic LCDs & Plasmas and Pioneer Plasma's, using both Panasonic & Pioneer players.

However, it's also apparent when played via my PS3 (fully up dated with the latest firmware 2.35) on a 14" CRT (hence the future purchase after my 32" CRT died...).

So, my question is, is this an issue specific to the Casino Royale disk, or with players? Watching the scene frame-by-frame doesn't show any jumps in the movement (in each frame the plane moves on an equal amount), so it should be smooth...

Useful comments gratefully received!

Clare Newsome

New member
Jun 4, 2007
This sounds like a 24fps issue - that would certainly be the problem on the CRT, and it's possible the players you saw in your testing weren't set up to output to the 24fps mode the latest Panasonic/Pioneer sets are certainly capable of handling (many Blu-ray players, plus the PS3, don't come preset to output at 24fps - whether a store manager chooses to change that....)

But in the interests of science - and in no way giving me the opportunity to linger on Daniel Craig's beach scenes
- I may have to dig out my BD copy of Casino Royale and see if there's another issue with that particular airport scene. Could be dodgy CGI, for example, which can be ruthlessly exposed in HD.


Thanks for the quick repsonse Clare!

I did wonder if it was as simple as a 24fps issue, as this wasn't something that I checked in the demos and as you say would be a problem that I wouldn't be able to experiment with on the CRT.

The plane is clearly CGI (the speed of it landing gives that away), but did seem smoothly animated. This isn't the only section that generates judder, just the easiest to see - there's more if you let the scene run through further (the aborted landing bit, for instance, when the car gets tossed in the jet's wake and the plane powers off again).

I'm sure there's worse things to do in the interest of science than test scenes of Casino Royale, should you feel compelled!


New member
Jun 28, 2007
I have the UNCUT US BD version and there is no Judder on my Samsung Plasma with both the PS3 and TV running @24htz.


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