Cambridge Audio Question....Richer Sounds?

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method man:

....... If your too wooly to do your own research and are happy to listen to a complete stranger ....................

Shhhh, thats how this forum works! I am sure, by comments made on the forum such as 'I have ordered my new amp', that a lot of hifi is purchased off the internet after reading complete strangers advice on this very forum! At least people who have ventured as far as going to Richer Sounds have gone a step further in their research.

P.S - I have an arangement to meet a mate next week and we are going to Richer Sounds in Edinburgh, the first ever hifi shop I went to, can't wait!
all due respect andrew, but posting up the CEO of cambridge audios post about alledged Richer sound bias towards his products. is like letting an estate agent write 100 words about how the housing market is booming, or an MP about how thier expenses were justified. 'well they would say that wouldnt they' is the phrase that springs to mind.
method man:all due respect andrew, but posting up the CEO of cambridge audios post about alledged Richer sound bias towards his products. is like letting an estate agent write 100 words about how the housing market is booming, or an MP about how thier expenses were justified. 'well they would say that wouldnt they' is the phrase that springs to mind.

All due respect, but I think you're now being ridiculous.
I have two Cambridge products, two SCART cables. I have been to Richer Sounds on a good few occasions and not once did I test, or was pushed to test Cambridge products. But my experience is not the experience. To get a true picture of how Richer Sounds operates you need to balance every experience. If Richer Sounds pushed Cambridge as some suggest then Richer Sounds would be like a Sony or Panasonic shop and only sell one brand.
method man:
its not really a conspiracy theory though is it.LOL.The facts are plain to see. theres no theory.

Ive now read the post by the CEO of cambridge Audio. It doesnt mentionwho owns what, but does allude to why CA were set up in the first place. which rather confrim my beliefs from 10 years ago or more.

LOL. Cambridge Audio have been going for much longer than they've been associated with Richer Sounds as their sole UK distributor. Its one of the oldest names in audio.

Julian Richer is a share holder in The Audio Partnership which is the company which has totally rejuvenated the Cambridge Audio brand and done a great deal to return the Mordaunt-Short brand to its current health. So, yes, there is a link there and its a link that nobody has ever hidden. The simple fact remains however (and is clear from the CEO's message kindly quoted by Andrew) that these companies are run independently and that decisions about product are influenced by a huge number of overseas customers as much as they are by Richer Sounds.

At the end of the day, its a business relationship that has only benefitted UK buyers because we pay less for CA products than other countries. The Azur range completely shook up the budget hi-fi market and revitalised it to the point where there is now, once again, extensive choice for those looking to buy hi-fi equipment. As I've said before, its up to the customer to make the right choice from the range of available alternatives.

Oh, and on the last occasions I've been into 2 Richers stores the main system on display, wired up and playing, was NAD C545BEE, C326BEE and Dali Lektor 2 speakers with a heavily promoted system package offer on it.
Really? You dont see that using the Cambridge Audios CEO's PR style post defending a link

between themselves and Richer sounds and allegations of bias is in itself either ridiculous or naieve?

Sure, he mentions that they are completely different companies. well sure they are. one man can control 50 companies if he wants. even set them up in competition against each other, so that either way the consumer buys his products. I for one dont care waht CA and Richer do. But I have to say Im suprised at the hostile reaction people get if they question it. And the slavish reference to the CEOs old post.

You will also notiuce he make no mention of the fact that Julian Richer owns 51% of AP that owns CA.
JohnDuncan:I was in a Sony shop the other day and they tried to sell me Sony gear. I walked out. Disgraceful.

Well you wouldn't believe how many times we get asked for a charger for a Canon camera, or where the Panasonic TV section is.

At the end of the day, its a business relationship that has only benefitted UK buyers because we pay less for CA products than other countries.

Very true - CA typically isn't seen as a budget brand overseas, and indeed some of the products we've given five-star ratings to here in the UK over the years (eg 640A and 640C amp and CD player) have had to have the reviews rewritten and star-ratings revised (downwards) for some of our international editions, where the Azurs may lose out on performance-per-pound to cheaper rivals in those countries.
john, surely if your going to compare like for like. the richer shop would be re-branded Cambridge audio, and the customer would of course expect to be reccomended and sold Cambridge Audio. So they know exactly what they are getting into when they go in there. as they do with the sony store.

But if you went into an 'independent' store. that had say 5 brands. and you asked for the best system for your money and situation , and they swore up and down that Sony was the best. even when you got a bit of paper out and pointed to something else and said you had heard good things about it. but they rode right over the claims and stated again that in their opinion the sony was superior.

But then, when you get home you read that the 'independent' store was 51% owned by sony. would you not at least have wished to have gone in their armed with that knowledge.

All i'm saying is that if its a fact, it should be stated as such and not ignored.
method man:

Really? You dont see that using the Cambridge Audios CEO's PR style post defending a link

between themselves and Richer sounds and allegations of bias is in itself either ridiculous or naieve?

Sure, he mentions that they are completely different companies. well sure they are. one man can control 50 companies if he wants. even set them up in competition against each other, so that either way the consumer buys his products. I for one dont care waht CA and Richer do. But I have to say Im suprised at the hostile reaction people get if they question it. And the slavish reference to the CEOs old post.

You will also notiuce he make no mention of the fact that Julian Richer owns 51% of AP that owns CA.

Method man, everyone here knows about the link and only you seem to see the link as being a problem. Everyone else sees advantages. If you don't like the Richer Sounds model, there is a ton of competition out there, use it instead. Multiple ownership of companies is common. Will you be starting a thread on What Car worrying that Audi are actually owned by VW and a lot of Audi parts are the same as VW, but Audi charge more!
i never said I had a problem with it. I dont care two hoots. what has really suprised me is the passion (not seen in other threads) that the subject stirs.

a quick trawl through shows a lot of people do have concerns, and mention it. and it is not taken kindly and often refuted as rumours etc. Im just trying to work out why.

now youve got me on conspiracy theories (LOL, How far does this guy Richers influence go?)
You pays your money and you takes your choice. (Punch, 1846)

My 2p worth:-

1) Be thankful that there is still a wide range of manufacturers and retailers around to choose from, despite the recession and currency upheaval. I for one hope RS, other national chains and all the small independent retailers manage to survive this world-wide blip.
2) Being able to hear/demo Hi-Fi kit (cheap/cheerful, value for money or otherwise) is vital. How frustrating it would be if the only place left to purchase HiFi was via on-line retailers. But then again, the range and quantity of stuff on on-line auctions sites may increase!
3) The opportunity to see/hear/read the whole spectrum of opinion about the HiFi world in magazines/forums/conversations is invaluable. Everyone should be welcomed and opinions respected.
4) Bantering with sales-personnel is just another facet of a very intriguing pastime. Realising that actually selling stuff is how they put bread on the table is common sense.
Working out their motivations, understanding their psyche, picking out the wheat from the chaff - it all adds to the overall experience.
5) Long live ALL Designers, Manufacturers, Distributors, Retailers (and listeners)

Be good, or if you cant - be careful
method man:
Really? You dont see that using the Cambridge Audios CEO's PR style post defending a link

between themselves and Richer sounds and allegations of bias is in itself either ridiculous or naieve?

Sure, he mentions that they are completely different companies. well sure they are. one man can control 50 companies if he wants. even set them up in competition against each other, so that either way the consumer buys his products. I for one dont care waht CA and Richer do. But I have to say Im suprised at the hostile reaction people get if they question it. And the slavish reference to the CEOs old post.

You will also notiuce he make no mention of the fact that Julian Richer owns 51% of AP that owns CA.

Nothing slavish about it. Just allowing Cambridge Audio once again to state the facts as it sees them.

But since you obviously hold the company in such contempt, I suggest you avoid their products, as any right-thinking person would in such circumstances.

Please feel free to avoid these forums on the same grounds if you wish...
method man:

......... the richer shop would be re-branded Cambridge audio, and the customer would of course expect to be reccomended and sold Cambridge Audio. So they know exactly what they are getting into when they go in there. as they do with the sony store.

But if you went into an 'independent' store. that had say 5 brands......

Richer Sounds sells more brands than some 'independent' stores. There are many brands who would be very unhappy if Richer sounds were to stop selling their products. I am sorry but the reason why you have had such a reaction to your comments is that you are plain wrong with some of your points.
here it is again. where , oh where, have I said I hold them in contempt? or even that I am against the relationship?

All I have merely stated is the fact that Richer owns 51% of AP that owns CA. And some recent experience of seeing richer staff push CA.and that the CA CEO's post doesnt confirm or deny anything.

What is now concerning me. is the rather hostile manner of the postings on this thread. sarcasm, ridicule etc. especially from people that I would have thought would have distanced themselves from such behaviour. What is causing such passion? such defense? The OP asked a question. a few people gave their opinions. some factual some a bit more vague. But the general flavour is one of hostility towards anyone that even mentions the facts about the setup. And I'm wondering where that is coming from?
I think it is because we have not had a really good cable debate that has got out of hand for a while, so those of us who are up for it were in the mood. Thanks for being such a good sport method man!
wow, Ive just re-read the last part of Andrews post. Im basically being told to go elsewhere. I havent been rude on this thread or any other. and I havent done anything other than state a fact.
method man:What is
now concerning me. is the rather hostile manner of the postings on this
thread. sarcasm, ridicule etc. especially from people that I would have
thought would have distanced themselves from such behaviour. What is
causing such passion? such defense? The OP asked a question. a few
people gave their opinions. some factual some a bit more vague. But the
general flavour is one of hostility towards anyone that even mentions
the facts about the setup. And I'm wondering where that is coming from?

Clearly 'someone' has 'something' to hide...

Golly, it's infectious, this paranoia, isn't it?

method man:wow, Ive just re-read the last part of Andrews post. Im basically being told to go elsewhere. I havent been rude on this thread or any other. and I havent done anything other than state a fact.

No, you misread the last part of my post. You weren't being told anything...
mushroomgod:oops! Seems Iv opened a can of worms.
Sorry all

No you haven't - the can was opened long ago, and found not to contain any worms...
As someone once said "The early bird may catch the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese". I Guess Andrew got the cheese!

OP - No need to apologise. ALL topics and arguments should be voiced. Usually the most interesting threads are those that get opposing views being passionately expressed.

Keep up the good work.


24 hours in a day ...

24 beers in a case ...coincidence?

I have been reading this thread with some interest and was obviously concerned to read the posting by method man, and wanted to reply to say that our sales teams do try to be impartial and their main focus should always be on the customer's specific requirements however sometimes personal preferences for a particular product can lead to over enthusiasm which appears to have been the case on this occasion.

As for only having the Cambridge systems wired up this is certainly not company policy and I would be grateful if you could let me know which store it was you visited so I can take this up with the store manager! Also, as I am sure you are aware, we do stock lots of different brands and attempt to support them all equally the same.

Meanwhile, if you have any further questions then please do not hesitate to contact me directly and I will do my best to help you.

Many thanks,

John Clayton
Operations Director
Richer Sounds


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