and you think that will make a lot of audible different to the sound of most hifi?? Funny that because it didn't make my kettle boil water any quicker! (yes, I was mad enough to tested that with my friends last year!)
Mains conditioners are useful with some kit, but I've found them unnecessary in kit with really robust internal power supplies.
A few years ago I ownd a Conrad-Johnson MF2500 power amp and they come with captive power lead and they would show many power amps with miracle power leads the door!
My old Krell 400Xi refused to sound any better (or any different) with Nordost Brahma (or any other power cables!).
A few friends in the circle have also told me that some main condtioner kill the bass of hifi system although I never experienced that myself.
Look, the end of the day if you think can hear a big improvment when you are using an after market power leads then I am very happy for you.....I am currently using Tacima blocks and Russ Andrew power cables and if my wife took them out and replaced with the woolworth's white ones, I doubt if I can tell any different.
It's my birthday today so I am a little drunk (already!) In short my fav band is not Placebo and my fav film is not phenomenon, if you know what I mean.