I will accept others opinions but I'm free to debate them and that's something i can do on a forum. It's not personal. If you have a problem with that it's your problem, not mine. I suggest if you are trying to make people feel uncomfortable, as you have tacitly admitted by your comment, that you stop. I have no grievances against you unless provoked, and the Andrew guy too, but you have to realise this forum isn't yours and the Andrew guy to entice others into put downs.
I am prepared to ignore all that is before if both you and the Andrew guy do too. But it means ignoring my posts please and not responding to any commentary I make. I will do too. Please just don't reply to anything I say to elicit put downs and bad feeling.
if you have a problem with me, I suggest that's the best way forward, so you can enjoy the forum and so can I. But as I've said before if I read one more personal put down post from you or the Andrew guy , I will highlight it in the way I already have outside this forum and as I have discussed with you. Frankly I want nothing to do with you, which I'm sure is reciprocal.
This forum doesn't entitle people to put people down without provocation. It's harassment under the protection from harassment act 1997. I'd suggest you take note and the Andrew guy. I'm raising this with what hi fi too, to try and make sure your responses are hidden if possible. I'm sure you want the same of me. Thank you . Ps please confirm you agree - I trust you do?