Bought denon avr-1909 help what hifi team!


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Aug 10, 2019
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Ok bought the denon avr-1909 from richersounds for £300 was also consideing the yamaha dsp-ax763. I am a little disapointed in the build quality of the unit (you can actualy feel the front face flexing in and out when pushed!). So fired it up in stereo to see how it was for music, its not bad and probably better in some respect then I had imagined it to be. Yes the bass is not as clean and powerfull as it is on my old technics integrated.

The 2 issues I have is that I find the sound a little on the bright side and was wondering how the yamaha would compare to this?

secondly although I only ran the unit in stereo mode and not loud at all I found that it got reasonably hot! I never really looked into it but I just realised the unit does not have a cooling fan, is this normal for recievers? When making my purchase I removed the Onkyo 606 from my list due to hearing about heating issues which was why I ended up with the denon. My much older stereo integrated can be run all day and still not get as hot as this did within 2 hours and im not even running it in 7.1!

Any Advice?


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