Blu Rays - Sub-standard releases

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Sure No problem.

I spoke to Entertainment in Video, there stance is very clear they only cater for 5.1 in the UK and regardless of pricacy they will not consider releasing a 7.1 version!

Pointless being future proof in the UK as we will always get sub-standard versions!
I've gone to Watchdog and FACT to see if they can put any pressure on the industry/publishers
It will be interesting to see their response, as so far as I can tell FACT exists purely to protect the vunerable industry against nasty pirates:-

FACT's primary purpose is to protect the United Kingdom's film and
broadcasting industry against counterfeiting, copyright and trademark

(and, arguably, to annoy honest customers with patronizing ads accusing everyone who watches a DVD etc of being at least a potential, if not existing, pirate).
LOL.....Entertainment in Video are complete and utter LIARS!!! Don't they realise that THEY HAVE ALREADY RELEASED A 7.1 DISC IN THE UK.......PATHETIC! (if it wasn't for the mods that wording would be alot stronger LOL) That bluray is Shoot 'Em Up which is an Entertainment in Video release and comes with a 7.1 DTS HD soundtrack and i know as i own it and the box is infront of me, now ask them if they stand by that original statement that they only cater for 5.1......DON'T THINK SO SOMEHOW. What a bunch of fools.
My point with FACT is simple, if paying/honest consumers like us have to seek illegal downloads to support our systems it will fuel piracy.

If in the UK all blu rays come with 5.1 and 7.1 we will not have to find dodgy hacked versions on the internet. We live in an English speaking country so there is no excuse for us to be given different versions from the U.S.

I'm just trying to come at this at a different angle, that will hopefully cause some people to take note and listen.
Clare Newsome:

We raise it at every opportunity with the studios and distributors - for example, last year we took EIV to task about its 1080i releases; that had a successful outcome.

Looks like you frogot to put my name into that blog there Clare
"Distributed in the UK by EIV (Entertainment In Video), one of our eagle-eyed Forum regulars spotted that the film plays in 1080i/50Hz resolution, not 1080p/24fps - despite the packaging being labelled Full HD"

Maybe I shoud also get on the case regarding this issue!

This is not a new issue tho, and has been bugging many a disc buyer since the dawn of DVD where differant territorys have been fed a vast aray of quality concerning their relese ranging for inferiour PQ and Sound to the good old censorship issues. You had to do you reserch the as to which versions were the best avalible ie correct aspect ratios,which disc was falged for progressive playback etc and unfortunatly these issues still raise their ugly heads with BD releases so I still spend hours reserching before making my mind up which disc is the best option before spending my money. This can be a pain, and the extra expense of having your BD player made multi-region for BD as some discs are regionally locked but IMHO as with DVD before is worth it to the true movie fan.
You just have to accept that The studios will always give us second best in the UK. That is the whole purpose of regional coding!
emotion-6.gif crack me up...LOL

I didn't know they did shoot em up, although I can already hear there response....

This begs the question what is the real benefit of blu ray if only get 5.1? Nearly all DVD's were 5.1, and with upscaling abilities of modern players we can get very good video, so whats missing....high quality audio.

The more complaints to companies like Entertainment in Video can only help:

Phone them and ask them when the 7.1 UK version of Gamer is coming out, that should annoy them! +44 (0) 20 7930 7744 crack me up...LOL

I didn't know they did shoot em up, although I can already hear there response....

This begs the question what is the real benefit of blu ray if only get 5.1? Nearly all DVD's were 5.1, and with upscaling abilities of modern players we can get very good video, so whats missing....high quality audio.

The more complaints to companies like Entertainment in Video can only help:

Phone them and ask them when the 7.1 UK version of Gamer is coming out, that should annoy them! +44 (0) 20 7930 7744
I like your angle on this but i fear they will just argue that the discs are available from other territories at an extra cost but even that is not the case as any regular to these forums knows that only certain companies movies are region free. There are LOADS of sites we could get the superior version of a film from but why should we be forced down that route for movies that already have 7.1 sound?

It's a fact that unless you buy extra bluray players from other territories you won't have access to all those lovely 7.1 discs, should that really be the case in this digital age? It's almost as if the film companies are physically forcing me down the route of illegal download due to their own misguided view that the UK isn't deemed worthy enough of a release with full 7.1 HD sound.

Obviously i know that would not wash in a court of law hence why i don't go down this route but it is exactly how i feel!
Errr, it's not just the two extra channels, if it's DTS-HD MA 5.1 it's still going to sound better than the standard DTS mix. Sure you're missing the centre rear channels but it's not like the rest of the audio is in anyway worse than it should be (very dependent on the film however, flicking between the DD and the TrueHD soundtrack on Dirty Harry for example shows no difference in sound at all, on my system at least).

LOL.....Entertainment in Video are complete and utter LIARS!!! Don't they realise that THEY HAVE ALREADY RELEASED A 7.1 DISC IN THE UK.......PATHETIC! (if it wasn't for the mods that wording would be alot stronger LOL) That bluray is Shoot 'Em Up which is an Entertainment in Video release and comes with a 7.1 DTS HD soundtrack and i know as i own it and the box is infront of me, now ask them if they stand by that original statement that they only cater for 5.1......DON'T THINK SO SOMEHOW. What a bunch of fools.

But then if you check the disc I do believe that was also in 1080i and not 1080p as the FULL HD on the box would imply so they hardly have a good track record of telling the truth do they!
Thanks DJ...(shame abt the Hull game...I'm also a True Blue!)

I've been doing the same for years, however I would have expected with the industry push for all consumers to adopt their new technology I would have throught they would have stopped this messing about.

We should get the same releases as in the US due to our laugage.

Region coding is a load of rubbish as the only country in Region B that hasn't had Gamer is Italy, it comes out in the cinemas in May, however there argument is not founded as an Italian could easliy buy the blu ray from outside there country and not go to the cinema!

Region coding is a load of rubbish as the only country in Region B that hasn't had Gamer is Italy, it comes out in the cinemas in May, however there argument is not founded as an Italian could easily buy the blu ray from outside there country and not go to the cinema!
the ILH You have to hear Black Hawk down & Leon in 7.1 DTS, you will change your view!
LOL.....EIV crack me up.....what a bunch of fools!

I do think that 7.1HD audio should be the norm as imo that is proper HD audio however DVD was not immune to this either as there was the old DTS ES 6.1 sounds strikingly familiar LOL.

Thanks for the ammo EIV will be getting a call, an email (with link to this forum so they can see how inept they are LOL) and a question as to wether or not they are going to release Gamer in 7.1 in the UK. That should hopefully annoy them pus on the upside i love a good moan/argument so it will cheer me up no end!
Hmmm......not checked as not watched it in a while.....will stick it on as i'm intrigued now and get back to you

UPDATE: Shoot 'Em Up is in Full HD 1080p 24fps that's what my system is showing anyway.
The main issue is down to profit as that is the publishers only real interest and not keeping people who actually care about * content happy, they are at the end of the day a business and as with all businesses profit is key. So it is far more cost efective to produce a sole disc which is used all over Europe than it is to invest into a single disc for ever diferant language. The States is a far bigger market place with the majority of the populas speeking English (badly
) as their first orsecond language so there is no need to use disc on extra audio tarcks making more space for a full 7.1 HD sound track.

The problem is that People like ourselves are in the minority and our complaints are very few compared to the amount of units they sell across our region so we are and will just in the main be ignored and our coments pushed aside, it's just a fact I personally came to accept a long time ago. Yes I did have success with the help of WHSAV team in making EIV release the BD's in1080p but this for them is a far more reconisible problem as everyone expects a BD to be at 1080p on their full HD TV's as where only limited numbers have 7.1 systems.
I understand what you mean DJ, but we shouldn't give up....

They are in the business of making money and should have both options available on their releases, to cover all consumers. The actual storage of the additional sound codec is relatively small and will not take up to much more space on a Blu-ray disc....

The price of blu rays doesn't justify the lack of audio, companies are charging near £20 each for a film here upon release.

Seeing we don't get blu rays fully supported in the UK, Hollywood+Panasonic+Sony can keep there new scam (3D TV)....I will not support and advice completely against it!
District 9 in 7.1 DTS just fell through my letterbox!

Swedish version!
District 9 in 7.1 DTS just fell through my letterbox!

Swedish version!

what is the UK version?

The same but not as many plumbers...


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