chebby:I can't get into the same mindset.
It's like saying you can't enjoy a black & white film once you have seen colour, or you could never enjoy something on your car radio or a portable because your home stereo is so superior.
I suppose you can draw that analogy, but it doesn't quite work. For black and white films, I already have a few on Blu-Ray which I wouldn't watch on DVD for a simple reason - the picture and sound are better on Blu-Ray. And in the car, if I had a choice of two formats and one was clearly superior for sound, I wouldn't use the other one. It's not the same therefore because I can't carry my home stereo around in my car so that choice isn't there, whereas in my living room I do have a choice between Blu-Ray and DVD.
chebby:I cannot believe some people are so driven by picture quality and effects alone that they can never watch a great movie on DVD again. (Even to the point of selling/dumping them.)
I haven't quite said that and I do occasionally watch great films on DVD which aren't on Blu-Ray. However, my Blu-Ray collection is now over 200 titles (almost catching up with DVD), all of them obviously in my opinion great titles otherwise I wouldn't own them and I therefore find I watch far more Blu-Rays than DVDs for that reason. Why keep the 300 odd DVDs I have if I never want to watch them? I won't sell them all, but I will offload most of them, the same as I did with VHS once my DVD collection had outgrown it and rarely got watched.
chebby:What about all the great films and series that are not (and may never be) available on BluRay?
Then I would keep the DVDs and watch them on the occasions I want to watch those titles. Probably quite rare occasions though. Again, the same as I have with VHS in the past.
chebby:Will the same happen when you all get 3D? You will only watch movies that have made for 3D and sell all the 2D ones?
I have no interest in 3D in its current form in the home at this time. However, if they do get to a point where the technology improves my viewing experience to the same extent Blu-Ray has over DVD, then yes, my mindset would probably gradually change over to 3D films as my collection grew to the point where I had my favourite films in this format.