Blu-Ray Q 4 WHF Team - please answer the question no one else can.....

Dan Turner

New member
Jul 9, 2007

I'm thinking of taking the Blu-ray plunge, but a lingering doubt over ensuring the best compatiblity with my TV leaves me unsure which one to go for. I've asked this question before to no avail, possibly because no-one knows the answer. But possibly, I fear, because it's a really dumb question - if so please take pity on me and help me out!

I have a Pioneer PDP-427XD. The spec says it can handle 1080p video, but only @ 24 fps. All lower HD and SD picture resolutions (1080i, 720p, 576p/i etc) are fine at 50hz/60hz or whatever. For optimum performance with Blu-ray I assume that I want to set the Blu-ray player to 1080p/24 - no problem. But what I'm unsure about is what happens when a Blu-ray disc isn't actually playing - surely all the menus and screen-savers etc are not sent at 24fps, likelywise upscaled DVD is going to be 1080p/50hz, which my TV can't handle. Can the output resolution be changed on the fly with a dedicated button? Can 2 different settings be made for Blu-ray and DVD?

Also with a large DVD collection I want one that is at least as good at upscaling DVDs as my Denon DVD-1940. Would the Sony BDP-S550 be as good at playing DVDs?

Any assistance greatly appreciated.

Many thanks - Dan.
Dan Turner:

I'm thinking of taking the Blu-ray plunge, but a lingering doubt over ensuring the best compatiblity with my TV leaves me unsure which one to go for. I've asked this question before to no avail, possibly because no-one knows the answer. But possibly, I fear, because it's a really dumb question - if so please take pity on me and help me out!

I have a Pioneer PDP-427XD. The spec says it can handle 1080p video, but only @ 24 fps. All lower HD and SD picture resolutions (1080i, 720p, 576p/i etc) are fine at 50hz/60hz or whatever. For optimum performance with Blu-ray I assume that I want to set the Blu-ray player to 1080p/24 - no problem. But what I'm unsure about is what happens when a Blu-ray disc isn't actually playing - surely all the menus and screen-savers etc are not sent at 24fps, likelywise upscaled DVD is going to be 1080p/50hz, which my TV can't handle. Can the output resolution be changed on the fly with a dedicated button? Can 2 different settings be made for Blu-ray and DVD?

Also with a large DVD collection I want one that is at least as good at upscaling DVDs as my Denon DVD-1940. Would the Sony BDP-S550 be as good at playing DVDs?

Any assistance greatly appreciated.

Many thanks - Dan.

You worry too much! On the Sony S550 for instance, you have an auto option for 1080p 24fps. This will mean that when 1080p 24fps material is available, your screen will show it that mode. Your screen will have a similar option. When playing dvd back, the S550 will upscale up to 1080p and then your screen will deal with the image (downscale to 1080i or 720p if it has to).


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