Bi-Wiring question


New member
Aug 10, 2019

Hope this isn't a stupid question !

I've just bought the bi-wried version of the chord carnival silver screen. The speaker connections have four but just have a single pair going to the AMP. Is this right ? I've ordered them online and this is how they came.

Thank you,

This is normal for biwiring unless your amp has four connections (my Cyrus power amps do).

Of course if you want to biamp then you need 4 to 4 biwire cable.
Mine does have four connections, have an Audiolab 8000s. Will it make any differance ?
Not really; just use the 2-plugged end of the cable to connect to your amp and then obviously the 4-plugged end for the speakers (remember to remove the speaker jumper bars/cables if your speakers have them).

If you decide to bi-amp further down the line then unfortunately you will need to change the cable as you'll need 4 plugs at each end.
Just spoken to the shop i got them from. Basically two cables have been put into a connector each. The connector's are just just screw on. So he said when i come to bi-amp i can un-screw these and just buy two more connectors (Making the 4), and split all four wires into seperate connectors.

That will work fine, won't it ?
Yes, certainly will. I also have just purchased the same bi-wire, & fitted the plugs myself, 4 into 2. I've also bought some extra plugs for when my new receiver arrives, as that will give me the required connections for bi-amping. I'll just need to add a couple of extra plugs at one end when it gets here.
d_a_n1979:Not really; just use the 2-plugged end of the cable to connect to your amp and then obviously the 4-plugged end for the speakers (remember to remove the speaker jumper bars/cables if your speakers have them).If you decide to bi-amp further down the line then unfortunately you will need to change the cable as you'll need 4 plugs at each end.

You wouldn't have to buy a new set of cables if you decided to bi-amp. I just snipped my 2-4 cables and ended up with 4-4 cables, though 2 of the wires are bare ended. You could also snip and re-terminate, to make them look neater and to stop oxidation of the bare wire contacts, something I haven't got round to yet.

But it sounds like the OP has his solution sorted. I hope bi-wiring does it for your ears. I side-stepped this bit and went straight to bi-amp.