BFA Plug to Banana Socket


New member
Jan 4, 2012
Please can any one tell me if there are converters that will enable me to convert a BFA plug to a Banana plug so I'm able to plug a BFA plug into a Banana socket and if so where available if known?

The problem is I have airlocked BFA plugs on my cables I do not wish to cut the plugs off, and the wiring from speaker to amp was a major job so don't want to take the cable to a shop to have them re locked with banana plugs.

My Audiolab 8000p blew which had BFA socket and Audiolab in there wisdom have gone back to Banana socket.

Frank Harvey

Well-known member
Jun 27, 2008
I recognise that hooded face from somewhere.... :)

I take it you have the old QED BFA Airlocs....

You could make an adaptor? The Milty BFA plug can plug into a BFA socket or banana socket, so you could have a short run (0.5m or less) of cable made up with these at both ends.


New member
Jan 4, 2012

I thought of 2 solutions that do not involve making a new length of cable and wonder what your thoughts are.

1 Buy some banana plugs with large cable holes (usually from the side), take the cover of the BFA to expose a 5mm plug and put it though the hole and clamp.

2 if not wanting to damage the BFA in case of needed of a BFA socket in future, I have some BFA stack-able plugs. which is realy a banana plug at one end and a BFA at the other. I could stick the BFA in the above Banana plug hole tighten it up then have a double plug with a banana at each end. One to go in the amp and the other to stick my BFA onto, as banana plugs are a perfect match for the BFA hole plug.



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