Bedroom Setup - Apple TV + Lacie Sound2 Speakers

Juzzie Wuzzie

Well-known member
Thoughts on the following? Run an Apple TV into Lacie Sound2 Speakers (or another set of active stereo speakers) and control everything via the Remote App on your iPhone / iPod touch? Would mean access to all your music files, radio, internet radio, etc. Not too concerned about video aspects.


The ATV is great (install aTV Flash to expand its functions!) -- but you'll ned a display to navigate.

Actually I'm not sure if you can run the show from an iPod. If you can, I'll say that your suggested set-up is great. I'd consider more powerful speakers though -- the LaCies are meant for close-up (desktop) listening.

John Duncan

Well-known member
You can run the show from your iPod - I had my @TV set up with no display and it worked fine, but then I had an iPod touch to control it. If you haven't got one, you're a bit stuffed.

I'd look at Audioengine A2 as an alternative speaker, though those Lacies are v. cute...