AVI DM5 first impressions / review

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I now have 9 detailed e-mails from him, I have contacted the guy in Holland about those 9.1's looking forward to hear them now! I think Mum was a little taken a back, shes gone from £299 + £189 for the Marantz and Q Acoustics to AVI 9.1's £700 + £279 Sonos Connect! I think shes over the shock now. Thats a long trip down to Norfolk to set it all up.
IQ speakers, why have you decided not to give your mum a pair of your own speakers that you actually sell, such as the M4M's (which would be at cost price to you)? Together with an inexpensive, but decent enough 2nd hand solid state amp?
I knew this would come up! She originally wanted a Naim Muso keep it all clean no wires etc. Then i persuaded her that speakers would offer the sound she heard at my house, had the PMC DB1i's then. Her budget was around the £800 tops. So I'm trying to give her a simple clean system no amp etc, I thought the AVI's would be perfect and went to order the DM5 for £699 + a Sonos Connect job done, DM5's out of stock and no date when they will have some!. Now looking at the cost of DM9.1's im thinking she would be probally better off with some M3M or M4M and an Abrahamsen Amp! The kit is £300 + £200 build + veneer cost. So over her budget which im already pushing, plus i dont want to throw somthing else into the equation. I have not heard the bookshelf's yet, I have both kits here waiting to be built so looking forward to see how they sound compared to the DB1i's and the M1 kit. Different people have different priorites and needs, My solution does not suit every one including my Mum and we have been going through this process for 6 months now! Hope this satisfies your curiosity.

You've got in a right old fluff over this! Six months? Sort it out, it's your mother.

(Mum had the best idea at the very beginning IMO.)
She put the brakes on, re money and Christmas. I didnt want to push her, just kept sending her deals from Richer Sounds! She is nearly 80! So really wants simplicity. Chebby have you got those Rosewood Harbeth's yet? Just about to finish some S2 in some stunning Santos Rosewood, ill let you have some pics when done.
chebby said:
You've got in a right old fluff over this! Six months? Sort it out, it's your mother.

(Mum had the best idea at the very beginning IMO.)

Yes, perhaps a little excessive the whole thing but then looking back at boggits/iq speakers post since the Abrahamsen/iq speakers venture/s it kinda doesn't surprise me to ;much 🙂

Absolutely no insult intended as I enjoy his contributions.
lindsayt said:
IQ speakers, why have you decided not to give your mum a pair of your own speakers that you actually sell, such as the M4M's...

I was wondering the same thing. Being your mother would she appreciate something more if you'd built them with your own hands. Parents love that sort of thing.
I'm not 12 and I don't build the cabinets! *wink* Just trying to offer her a simple elegant solution. I will ring her in a mo to ask if she would like an Amp and speakers instead! Will keep you all informed! Now where are my tablets?!!
iQ Speakers said:
I'm not 12 and I don't build the cabinets! *wink*

Fair enough. 😀

But remember that if she gives two hoots about sound quality the ADM9's will wipe the floor with the Marantz / Q Acoustics system. They're far better than your old PMC DB1's too.

For £700 you'd be getting a system that's probably far better than you imagine could be possible for several thousands of pounds (I'm in danger of sounding like Ash here but it's true).
iQ Speakers said:
She certainly does!

Then that's simple. Go for the ADM9's. I promise you won't be disappointed but I can't promise that you won't end up keeping them for yourself once you've heard them. 😉
I carnt believe they could sound better than what I have! During my emails to Ash he was on about the drivers in the DM10 I showed him my drivers and commented on the size of the magnets. He came back with its a cover that's what kit builders do. I pointed out they weigh 1.9 Kg so all magnet. His weigh 1.65Kg!
iQ Speakers said:
I carnt believe they could sound better than what I have! During my emails to Ash he was on about the drivers in the DM10 I showed him my drivers and commented on the size of the magnets. He came back with its a cover that's what kit builders do. I pointed out they weigh 1.9 Kg so all magnet. His weigh 1.65Kg!

Coming up next in When Internet Marketeers Collide... ;-)
Yes Spiny it was a little like that, however I avoided any cutting comments, any tips?

By the way is it ok to talk about AVI's for my mum?
iQ Speakers said:
... During my emails to Ash he was on about the drivers in the DM10 I showed him my drivers and commented on the size of the magnets. He came back with its a cover that's what kit builders do. I pointed out they weigh 1.9 Kg so all magnet. His weigh 1.65Kg!

I'm not really qualified to comment too much on the technical stuff but I do agree that the drivers that IPL use do look very good quality to me. Better than the drivers that most other companies use. The same goes for AVI's drivers too though.
iQ Speakers said:
I carnt believe they could sound better than what I have! ...

My old passive Neutron Five speakers were easily as good as the PMC DB1. The N5's had slightly better clarity and control where the DB1 had tad more bass but overall they were pretty equally matched.

However, my new DM5's are much better than the PMC DB1. They don't even close, the DM5 are miles better. The ADM9's are too.

I can understand your reservations as you haven't heard them before but they really do sound as good as people say.

They may be old stock from a shop but you're still looking at a new pair of speakers for £700 which originally cost £1250 and even at their original price they were a huge bargin.
steve_1979 said:
I can understand your reservations as you haven't heard them before but they really do sound as good as people say.

They may be old stock from a shop but you're still looking at a new pair of speakers for £700 which originally cost £1250 and even at their original price were a huge bargin.
No Steve I have no reservations, for what she wants i think they will be perfect thats why i picked them. I also dont have any festering hang ups on AVI actives. Im just straight and open its the best way.
iQ Speakers said:
No Steve I have no reservations, for what she wants i think they will be perfect thats why i picked them. I also dont have any festering hang ups on AVI actives. Im just straight and open its the best way.

It's always the best way to be straight with people. 🙂

That's why I think that a cheap Marantz/Q Acoustics type system, a Sonos system or even a Naim Muso is the most suitable option for most people nowadays.
iQ Speakers said:
Yes Spiny it was a little like that, however I avoided any cutting comments, any tips?

Was just teasing: after all, you did leave something of an open goal! ;-)

iQ Speakers said:
By the way is it ok to talk about AVI's for my mum?

Of course, especially if she has sold a £50,000 Linn or Naim system because she's realised how much better the speakerettes sound ;-)
No she has not! they sold her some crapy Sony thing! And i could not let you get away with it for a 3rd or 4th time! Enjoy
How much does your mum actually care about sound quality? I ask this because most people aren't that fussed and just want something, anything, to play music on.

The Marantz + Q Acoustics is a simple and straight forward solution with perfectly decent sound quality that will perfectly suit the needs of most people. I'm not trying to do the ADM9 seller of of a deal here as the ADM's will be far superior in sonic terms but spending the best part of a grand on a HiFi for most people is crazy as they just don't care that much about the sound quality.

If on the other hand if sound quality is important to her then the AVI's are worth every penny and will be far better than your old PMC DB1's that's she liked.

As she's an 80 year old lady the aesthetics and functionally need considering too. The ADM's are simple to use and very smart looking speakers but they're also quite big which puts many people off so hold off for a few months for a second batch of DM5's to be made may be worth the wait. Also remember that the little Marantz unit has pre-outs so it can be used with active speakers so that may also still be worth consideration for the source along with the Sonos.
how does the avi speakers handle drum n bass, hip hop etc. In 2 minds whether to go amp & speakers or ADM9 active path...
dap33 said:
how does the avi speakers handle drum n bass, hip hop etc. In 2 minds whether to go amp & speakers or ADM9 active path...

Very well. I listen to a lot of electronica myself (mostly dubstep and hard trance) and the bass from the little DM5's that I use is exellent even wirthout a subwoofer.

The DM5's are small speakers and roll off very abruptly below 55Hz so don't expect them to give you much of the physical 'chest punch' bass that you feel rather than hear but the sound of the bass that you hear is very well controlled and sounds really good with drum n bass and hip hop. They also go louder and have more bass than you would expect from such small speakers.

The ADM9's (particuarly the newer RS versions and onwards) are larger and much more powerful so will give more of the 'chest punch' bass than the DM5's. They also go about 15Hz deeper and have a bit more mid-bass too.

All of the AVI active speakers work well with subwoofers so if like me you like to go a bit mental with the bass from time to time an AVI 2.1 system works really well. Actually while I'm writing this I've got the new Prodigy album blaring out with the subwoofer turned up an extra 2dB because I've got the house to myself. 😀


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