An update after nearly 1 year of owning AVI DM10 speakers which I got a couple of days after creating this thread on WHF. Leading upto this, my previous speakers have been Linn Majik 140s Passive & Active, B&W 802N, Magnepan 1.7, PMC Twenty 24 & PMC PB1i Sigs out of which PB1is were my favourite. I especially liked its clarity across the range and bottom-end extension & detail.
The AVI setup I have now consists of a transporter streamer feeding AVIs through optical SPDIF and a bk xxls400 sub fed via anti-mode 8033 s2 so much less box-count as I sold my Monoblocks & Pre. I would describe the outcome as follows:
* The top-end extension is the best I have heard and high's are so controlled and sound so precise. Yes I now understand what "controlled" highs sound like - its not about being sweet or warm.
* Mids are clearer than the clearest I have heard, there is no comparison other speakers I have heard and I do visit audio shows regularly. We are talking about a different league of clarity here really.
* The combination of DM10, anti-mode & Sub provides an extended, very precise, very fast and controlled low-end. By far the best I have heard in my room.
* Soundstage & Imaging - if I could quantify it, would say several orders better than what I had heard before - a three dimentional picture like no other I had encountered
Can go on and on but it is sufficient to say that my hifi journey of exploration may have come to an end - not because I think this is the best there is, but because after many years of swapping/upgrading one with the other, I have finally begun to enjoy what I listen to 100%.
Finally, I would like to thank everyone here who guided me to take the plunge with AVI.