matthewpiano said:Nobody would frequent these (or any other) hi-fi forums unless they had some kind of interest in the equipment, whether they own conventional hi-fi seperates or something different like the AVI actives. I also doubt there are many people here who weren't drawn to hi-fi because of their love of listening to music and wanting the best possible sound at home. We all go through phases where the hi-fi gets in the way of the music, whether we are considering a new amplifier or whether we are salivating at AVI's latest improvements to the ADM9.1s, but I'm sure (from the comments I read) that those with a system they are generally happy with spend plenty of time enjoying the music whichever approach they've taken.
While I agree broadly, what seems to be the case is that once you come over to the dark side of giving up choice of amp, choosing active crossover with an amp designed or chosen specifically for the drivers, you (or rather one) tends not to go back.
I was a cable faffer, a tweaker, standing my speakers on spikes and coins and putting mats underneath stuff...and then I realised that it was all codswallop.
And while I definitely enjoyed my music, I also spent a good deal of that time evaluating. A v B, is this wire better? 30 seconds of music , swap, blahblahblah.
I don't bother now. Buying the ADMs stopped me faffing and increased my proper listening time.
I have the 9.1Ts and they are extremely good speakers, pre, amp, DAC, remote, all in one. They need a sub if you are a bass-head (like most standmounts) and cannot be bettered by passive at the same price-point.
They can be equalled/bettered at a similar price IMO if you're willing to delve into pro-audio. But then you're generally giving up the wife-friendly, all in one box solution and usually having to faff around with choosing a good pre-amp/DAC. But it's great to see some more reasonably priced home focussed actives appearing from Dynaudio and our own(Sweden) AudioPro.
I'd buy passive speakers again for 5.1 simply because of the lack of cheaper AV processors, but not for Hi-Fi. There is no doubt in my mind that for value for money, actives cannot be touched (assuming a level playing field ie, new v new OR ebay v ebay).
And for the moment there are very few comparable products to Avi's offerings at anything like a reasonable price.