oldric_naubhoff said:
you're in a way correct because I know the answer. there's no way in this world that a pair of transistors could produce 250W into 8 Ohms at reasonable THD level into sinewave for longer than a microsecond.
in this light the real question is; why is AVI beefing up specs on their products? marketing scam for clueless folk?
Most companies quote specs in a light to attract the people who are... unaware.
Some approach the buying process " I hear what I like, I don't read the specs and buy it because I loved the Sound", some others buying process involves trying to understand the specs of the equipment, use that information along with the SQ of the gear that they heard and then buy.
There might be a third category, where the people are indecisive, especially in a closed product where much can not be physically seen easily and here giving a 250W number will ofcourse, move the fence sitters or people not too confident about the product, to make that swing in favour of the product. This is not a new phenomenon.. those micro systems from Sony or other says 3200W in bold lettered stickers (which is also written as PMPO) and if I send my wife to the shop, she can only look at the physical appeal, these bold numbers and salesman's talk. She has an idea of how the sound should sound and if it is in the ball park, she would just buy based on the numbers and talk. (Actually, If I look back she did buy a Bose speaker system based on sales talk)
To give the example other way, if AVI rates them as 10W per woofer and 5W per tweeter, I am pretty sure the sales number would be a lot lesser than what it is now. What changed? Nothing much but if the buyer is in the first category, he would still buy as he might not really care about the specs. And I think there are very few such buyers.
Now, if you corner the buyers who fall into the other categories, asking questions like " Did you really check why did they rate it 250W ?", now you know what reaction you can get!
I would feel the same too, if some one tells me my amp though rated at 100W RMS does not seem to have components which make it qualify for being 100W RMS. May be I am too attached to my amplifier and I argue from intangible perpsective. Or even better, if I doubt, dig deep, feel deceived by the manufacturer, then I go ahead and sell the amplifier and get another one which is more suitable where I have discvered the deficiencies. I am glad that I have that option open.