Audiolab 8200CD white noise/distortion


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hello there,

I have a problem with my new Audiolab 8200cd/Roksan Kandy K2. If I unplug the connected USB cable from either the computer or cd player, I get white noise and a very distorted signal through the amplifier. If I change inputs on the amp or reset the cd player, the signal returns to normal. It only happens with the Roksan Kandy K2. I have tried to recreate the problem with an old Arcam amp and it doesn't happen.

I'm not sure what is happening, whether it's normal or if there is a fault on one of the components. I was just wondering if anyone else had come across this issue? Any input would be greatly appreciated.
I also use the 8200CD - feeding a quad 33 to a 303 to ESL 63's - no issues when you unplug the USB cable other than you have to wait for the drivers to re load ( about 30sec.) every time you plug back in


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