Audiolab 8000S Amp Value


New member
Feb 16, 2009
So, I am in the process of clearing out the kit cluttering up our front room and my original 8000S integrated amp is up for eviction. I'll be sad to see it go, but needs must.

Therefore I ask those who know more than I: what is a pre-Tag 8000S in fine condition worth nowadays? £150? £175? More?

Thanks for your advice and opinions. [🙂]
They seem to have gone on ebay for around £185. If it's in good nick then maybe aim for that price. If it's in notably good nick, maybe £200 to £225.
igglebert:They seem to have gone on ebay for around £185. If it's in good nick then maybe aim for that price. If it's in notably good nick, maybe £200 to £225.

Well, I have always treated it sensibly and it has minimal signs of its (argh!) 13-yr history. But I don't want to be greedy or unrealistic.