the record spot
NSA_watch_my_toilet said:Hello,
I hope I will be understood well, because it's sometimes difficult for me to find the right words in english. But it will depend of the gear you are buying and the margin the seller is making on it. If KEF (it's an example, not a truth), allow a margin of 20% of his products, and devialet 35 %. When you ask 30% on the total price, you will undergo the margin of your seller and he's loosing money. So it will hardly depend on what the margins are.
Hifi sellers on the other forum I'm on, said to me that their margins where really tight and didn't allow them sooo much free room for negociation. Beside of that, more and more, brands are giving a fix price that you can't underpass.
I, usually, ask my dealer what his margins is and arrange with him a price he could be happy of. Another point we didn't discuss here, but is important, is the fact "what work your seller had with you". Did he brought the gear to your room after make it come from far away ? Those are all points that are heavy demanding money from him, because he bet that you gives him the favor of a buy. For all this, I would search discussion with my seller.
In ONE and unique situations, I contacted the official distributor and asked for a 50% price drop for my local seller. Because I knew they make beetween 150 and 200% margin on the amps they are importing. They was ok for 25% price drop (yes... not 24 or 26... 25), and my seller was able to make me a better drop, with a better margin for him.
Agreed - people forget that bricks and mortar retailers have overheads that strech beyong the costs of staff alone. While cables allow heaps of room for manoeuvre, it's less clear cut which hifi manufacturers give retailers the space to shimmy the price around for potential buyers.
Brian - are you planning to try gear at slightly lower price points too? It'd be interesting to see if you could get what you're after for less/ Also, have you visited the likes of Audio Emotion or Jordan Acoustics websites? There are others too, but those two offer some very high end gear at very sensible (relatively speaking) prices. Am sure they'd have something that'd tick your boxes. See also Midlands Audio Exchange.