Arguments for and against calibration

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Fair play cred to strapped for this thread but I think you will find I was harping on about this long ago..... dont leave me out of the credits....
ellisdj said:
Fair play cred to strapped for this thread but I think you will find I was harping on about this long ago..... dont leave me out of the credits....

Yeah, but you're a member of the self calibration society. That's a different group altogether, with a different theme song.

We've paid a someone to do the job. That's a much easier sell... 😉
Either way though - if you do it yourself or have someone in the end result is the same.

There can be no doubt its worth doing - the cost is minor for the rewards - so were on the same page mate there!!
ellisdj said:
Fair play cred to strapped for this thread but I think you will find I was harping on about this long ago..... dont leave me out of the credits....

Yep, fair dues Mr Ellis, you are indeed a long time evangelist for the cause.
Just seen this disc:

Is it useful?
gel said:
Just seen this disc:

Is it useful?

Thats a great disc if you know what your doing with it - but you wont get a calibrated TV for £40.

There are patterns on there which are great for checking certain things - but you can get the basic patterns for free on the downloadable and burnable DVD AVS 709.

Thats disc came with my Calman and Metre and its the same disc I used previously with my i1 display 2.

Its all about the metre and the pc software - and the knowledge of what to do with them both 🙂
I bought my Spears and Munsil calibration disc in about March last year. When Stephen Withers came to calibrate my televisions a fortnight ago he also brought a copy of Spears and Munsil with him. I note that this one being advertised in gel's link is the second edition, which i expect to improve upon the version that I have. Certainly it will be good for setting contrast, brightness and sharpness, but it won't allow you to do the really expert stuff - setting the white balance and the colour management system, for which you do need something like a Klein meter and a laptop carrying calibration software, and someone who know what he's doing, like Stephen and Julian! Is it worth £35, the offer price? Probably - mine was about £20 last year, but it was imported from the States, so I had to further pay import duty and a fee to the Post Office for collection!
Today, Mr Malarky, is your big calibration day! :dance: Don't forget to try what the Blu-Ray picture looks like if you pause play on your Denon player for about three minutes and the Blu-Ray player goes into dimmer or screen-save mode, it's really revealing of the display's background black level, and that of your Panasonic 60ZT65 is the best there currently is. Also, if you happen to have the Blu-Ray of Skyfall (making sure that you play the Blu-Ray, not the DVD like some numpty did a fortnight ago) then if you go to the beginning of Chapter 11 (41 minutes and 24 seconds time elapsed since the start of the disc) then the next 33 seconds, showing the night views of Shanghai, should look simply fabulous on your screen, even before calibration!
Son_of_SJ said:
Today, Mr Malarky, is your big calibration day! :dance: Don't forget to try what the Blu-Ray picture looks like if you pause play on your Denon player for about three minutes and the Blu-Ray player goes into dimmer or screen-save mode, it's really revealing of the display's background black level, and that of your Panasonic 60ZT65 is the best there currently is. Also, if you happen to have the Blu-Ray of Skyfall (making sure that you play the Blu-Ray, not the DVD like some numpty did a fortnight ago) then if you go to the beginning of Chapter 11 (41 minutes and 24 seconds time elapsed since the start of the disc) then the next 33 seconds, showing the night views of Shanghai, should look simply fabulous on your screen, even before calibration!

Have just put Skyfall on (and yes, I did nearly put the DVD in by mistake!), went to chapter 11, and suspect the word I'm looking for is 'wow'.

Half hour later was still watching, the colour, contrast and dynamic range is outstanding - the Macau scene where Bond arrives by boat at night surrounded by dragon lanterns is just stunning!

Steve put on some test scenes for 3d viewing once he's finished, and the Avatar scene looked outstanding, incredibly clear image with a genuine 3d effect that had elements on screen really appearing to float in front of the screen.

Will post further thoughts once I've had chance to try out a few different films, but am very pleased with the initial results.

mr malarky said:
Son_of_SJ said:
Today, Mr Malarky, is your big calibration day! :dance: Don't forget to try what the Blu-Ray picture looks like if you pause play on your Denon player for about three minutes and the Blu-Ray player goes into dimmer or screen-save mode, it's really revealing of the display's background black level, and that of your Panasonic 60ZT65 is the best there currently is. Also, if you happen to have the Blu-Ray of Skyfall (making sure that you play the Blu-Ray, not the DVD like some numpty did a fortnight ago) then if you go to the beginning of Chapter 11 (41 minutes and 24 seconds time elapsed since the start of the disc) then the next 33 seconds, showing the night views of Shanghai, should look simply fabulous on your screen, even before calibration!

Have just put Skyfall on (and yes, I did nearly put the DVD in by mistake!), went to chapter 11, and suspect the word I'm looking for is 'wow'.

Half hour later was still watching, the colour, contrast and dynamic range is outstanding - the Macau scene where Bond arrives by boat at night surrounded by dragon lanterns is just stunning!

Steve put on some test scenes for 3d viewing once he's finished, and the Avatar scene looked outstanding, incredibly clear image with a genuine 3d effect that had elements on screen really appearing to float in front of the screen.

Will post further thoughts once I've had chance to try out a few different films, but am very pleased with the initial results.


Ah nice one!
mr malarky said:
Have just put Skyfall on (and yes, I did nearly put the DVD in by mistake!), went to chapter 11, and suspect the word I'm looking for is 'wow'.

Half hour later was still watching, the colour, contrast and dynamic range is outstanding - the Macau scene where Bond arrives by boat at night surrounded by dragon lanterns is just stunning!

Steve put on some test scenes for 3d viewing once he's finished, and the Avatar scene looked outstanding, incredibly clear image with a genuine 3d effect that had elements on screen really appearing to float in front of the screen.

Will post further thoughts once I've had chance to try out a few different films, but am very pleased with the initial results.


Great news so glad you are happy with the results, I found it staggering the difference in picture quality and it sounds like you have had a very similar experience which is brilliant, the benefits of calibration are now in front of you. It's a great feeling knowing you are watching films as they were meant to be seen eh :grin:

And another member of the calibration club is sworn many members so far Son_of_SJ? As president you should be keeping track no? 😉
Ive been away from the forum for a while but thought it was worth adding my experience to the debate.

I went down the route of calibrating my TV's myself which i first did about 3 years ago. Since then ive ended up calibrating for friends and family who have always commented how good my picture was when they were visiting.

I bought myself an Eye One Display and use free software along with an HD basics and another disc for calibration patterns. Cant remember the exact cost but no more £100 if i remember rightly.

I'm a Instrument Technician to trade so calibrating stuff is second nature to me, which is maybe why i felt confident in giving it a go.

I definitely think theres a sense of achievement when you do it yourself and your able to see the improvement in the picture.

So far my Kuro is the one that needed the least adjustment which is hardly surprising so im not sure what benefit profesional calibration would give to the naked eye, despite what the figures would say.

Calibration of some degree is a must in my opinion but to what extent is up to the individual.
Well I have bit the bullit and emailed a couple of calibrators, Julian from here and Steve withers, thought it best to get a couple of prices and hope they travel because of where I live, plus being this is new to me, and did not get anywhere with two other companys, I should at least here from one of them...Hopefully 😛ray:

I think it worth the investment on my panasonic GT-50 it is a great set and touch-wood had no problems, the picture even now is excellent so look forward to having it calibrated to get the best out of it... 8)
Just seen this:

Cant be bad!
I don't get why calibrators charge so much? £200 plus for getting a really good picture on your TV is excessive to say the least to me! It can't cost them that much to do it?
Ok talKing about calibration where can I find someone to calibrate my Panasonic TXP50GT60 when I have clocked up enough hours I live in Southampton
gel said:
I don't get why calibrators charge so much? £200 plus for getting a really good picture on your TV is excessive to say the least to me! It can't cost them that much to do it?

Well you only have to look at how long it takes to carry out a calibration 3-5 hours then travel time, paying for the courses, more than one I think depending which ones are taken..level1-level-2 etc then the equipment required, its like any skilled trade sparkys, plumbers, brickys all charge varying amounts, its alright just buying the equipment but then you have to spend time to learn how to use it, and I would rather pay some one who is qualified than some one who is not, so unless you buy said gear for your self its pointless, and remember if you start trying to get into restricted menus this could and probably will cause problems with warrantee, as I understand calibrators have IDs they input when carrying out a calibration, so if the set was to go back, panasonic for example can see who accessed that menu. So really unless you have money to throw away get it proffesionally done. I could be wrong on the above.... but would you let some one play around with your set that cost a fair bit of money only to say ;I have not done one of these before but will give it a go; I dont think so.... weigh all that up and £200-£250 does not look to bad,especailly when the results seem pretty compelling and improves the image.

Just my tuppence worth.... 8)
gazman3510 said:
Ok talKing about calibration where can I find someone to calibrate my Panasonic TXP50GT60 when I have clocked up enough hours I live in Southampton

Hello Gazman just emailed Steve withers and a guy called Julian who frequents these forums, I live on the south coast near Eastbourne and awaiting a reply from both, here are the links, hope this helps. this one is julian this is Steve withers
gel said:
I don't get why calibrators charge so much? £200 plus for getting a really good picture on your TV is excessive to say the least to me! It can't cost them that much to do it?

But you just spent more than that on a player that is no better PQ/Audio than your other pioneers you had, which were half the price,should have stuck with the pioneer, or at least given the Denon a go the cheaper one, and spent the difference on a calibration... Maybe 😉
gel said:
I don't get why calibrators charge so much? £200 plus for getting a really good picture on your TV is excessive to say the least to me! It can't cost them that much to do it?

Well, I don't like reproducing paragraphs of text that have appeared earlier on the page, so I'll just refer to the excellent posting by pioneer7 at 12:43 am on Friday 16th August, number 3 on this page. I couldn't have put it any better myself, even including the alternative spellings! Plus, if you have more than one television done at the same, you will usually get a discount on the second set. Stephen Withers did all four of mine for what was quite a reasonable cost! Some people have bought their own equipment and have had a go themselves, and all praise to them, but I'm quite happy to let Steve Withers and his colleagues to my calibrations!

Gazman3510, I'll add Gordon Fraser at Convergent to the two calibrators (Stephen and Julian) that were given just above. I've borrowed this quote from the other calibration thread, which followed an endorsent of Gordon Fraser (who I think is based in Surrey, but does travel) by the home cinema dealer Daniel @ TheMoveRooms, in Edinburgh:

TheHomeCinemaCentre said:
Another vote for Gordon at Convergent. He is regularly up this way and calibrates for us. In fact he is up here this month to do my ZT65 as well as a few client systems.
gazman3510 said:
Ok talKing about calibration where can I find someone to calibrate my Panasonic TXP50GT60 when I have clocked up enough hours I live in Southampton

If your in Southampton you're well within range for steve withers at stormfrontav (they're based towards Bath somewhere), I'd happily recommend him.
bigboss said:
pioneer7 said:
Hello Gazman just emailed Steve withers and a guy called Julian who frequents these forums

No they don't frequent this forum. You'll find Steve Withers on AV forums, not sure if Julian is on AV forums as well.

Yeah he is, he goes under the name Jules Canary (he is a Norwich fan).


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