I was very curious to see some of your pre-and post-calibration data, Oldboy, if only to console myself that I wasn't the only one whose televisions were fairly well away from being correct, pre-calibration (after Strapped for Cash's harsh but true comments on
my televisions' pre-calibration errors!) - just joking Strapped, I didn't really mind!

So yes Oldboy, even though your television is only a few weeks old it also did seem to be quite some way off perfect, pre-calibration.
Since I had recently been looking at my calibration data, it was easy for me to understand your calibration data, which presents the data slightly differently. Looking at your RGB histogram for example, going from 10 IRE to 100 IRE, pre-calibration your nice new Samsung UE55F8000 seems to have been as far out as any of my four televisions, but isn't it nice to look at the post-calibration graph to see all the three colours nestling very close to 100% for all values of IRE? And the Delta E Performance errors, which pre-calibration were pretty close to the undetectable threshold of 3%, are reduced to almost zero for all colours post-calibration. And your Chromaticity errors (lightness, saturation and hue) all also reduce to almost zero, for all colours, after calibration.
I'm very pleased that you are so happy with your calibration by Julian. One way in which your television differs from my four televisions is that yours is an LCD (LED) and my four are plasmas, but it seems that all televisions will be some way off perfect, pre-calibration. Interesting also that the television of my four that was the most far away from perfect, pre-calibration, was my Samsung plasma, with the blue colour much too strong. And you say that your Samsung LED also had blue too strong initially, off the scale, as mine was! Must be something to do with Samsung!
When Mr Malarky gets his 60ZT65 calibrated by Stephen Withers on Saturday that will make three of us who have had our televisions calibrated recently. I think we should form a wee society, with of course Strapped for Cash, who started this thread, as the Honorary President! When bigboss and others get their sets calibrated, they will be allowed to join the Calibrated society too!