Ajani said:
How do you attract non-audiophiles, if you spend all your time catering to audiophiles?
For just one example ... do a Ruark.
They got out of the rut of being just another decent little UK speaker manufacturer and started giving people superb radios, slick one-box mini-systems and (now) frickin' amazing radiograms! (I saw one the other day and wanted one on first sight
They got their marketing right (Daily and Sunday newspapers, gadget mags, lifestyle and design mags etc.) and they got into online sales and John Lewis branches, Selfridges, Heals, Conran shops, hi-fi shops, Amazon,
Luxury Hotels and ... well ... loads of other outlets a 'hair shirt' purist 'audiophile' wouldn't be seen dead in for his purchases.
And, sadly it will be mostly 'his' in the 'audiophile' world, which is a whole other problem (and a whole other debate) but a huge incentive to get out and find the 51 percent of the population (and their credit cards) who've never heard of you.
Ruark are a very near neighbour to Rega (same industrial park) and used to be a fraction of Rega's size. I'll bet I know who the 'daddy' is now