Credit where credits due.


Well-known member
May 6, 2017
Time to give some credit to What HiFi.
For some time I have wanted to upgrade my Cd player's, I have a Marantz CD63 Ki SIG That I purchased new a long time back, and a OPPO UDP 203 4K UHD BluRay player, I purchased new a while ago, both are good CD players. I also purchased a Audiolab m dac+ and was pleased with the improvement in all areas, the thing is though I could never really tel the deference between the two players, in the end giving it to the OPPO by a smidgen.
Last week I was looking through some news items on my phone and came across this item on the Cyrus CD-T being sold at a black Friday discount that put the CD-T at £799. I immediately jumped on to my PC and had a look and sure enough it was, so I purchased it straight away, a few days later and it was plugged into my Audiolab m dac+ and has now after 30 hours settled down to give me clarity and separation, instant start stop from instruments, a quietness in between instruments and intricate little sounds that I have never heard before, plus a great big smile, having listened to various CDs I have also changed the filter on the M dac+ to cut some sibilance. I knew the CD-T was good as i'd listened to it on a YouTube channel against four other good transports and I could hear the difference, my problem was the price until I came across what was a short peace by What HiFI on black Friday kit.
So here's to What HiFi, all the items above are their recommendations that I have taken in and used to help me on my HiFi journey, the only two items I have auditioned in this time have been my Musical Fidelity m3si amp and my Acoustic Energy AE320 speakers.

Cyrus CD-T.
Audiolab M DAC+
Musical Fidelity M3si
Acoustic Energy AE320.


Well-known member
Feb 8, 2023
WHF is a great for information I've purchased many items that they recommend and have always been happy until recently with Sony headphones I think they are very over rated .


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