This is my point, if you spend a good few hundred (maybe thousands) quid on hifi gear you want it to be repairable, you want to be able to have the manufacturer keep your prized possessions running for a long time to come, you certainly don't want to be told after 5 years that it is unrepairable.I believe when things are over five years old you can take them to independent Hi-Fi repair specialists. They'll get hold of the parts they can. If you look at some of the adverts these guys run, they tell you that they might well be able to get hold of the parts that the manufacturer says aren't available.
There's always hope anyway that maybe you'll be able to keep a unit running if you want to.
So if you are able to wouldn't it be better to buy your hifi products from a manufacturer who will keep your items running for a long long time through the ability to service and repair your products. For example I read recently that both Linn and Naim will and can repair their products from the 1970's, sure you have to pay but its that better than putting the product into landfill?
This is why for my next upgrades I will be looking at the ability of the manufacturer to keep my chosen HiFi out of the local 'small electrical' bin at the local skip.