Well as I stated I think it comes down to them prematurely releasing it without addressing the obvious problem. My assumption is they want it to get the new Radia series on the market as quickly as possible, presumably in time for the holiday season when people are going to be purchasing products as gifts or for themselves.
And frankly in my tenure as a Hi-Fi enthusiast I've come to the conclusion that with various products regardless of genre, the grass isn't always greener on the other side.
You might go with one company's products and they have superior sound quality to every other brand of similar price but lack features, conversely you could go with a brand who has every feature of available for that particular type of product but it's sound leave something to be desired.
Hi-fi as I've come to know is a matter of what kind of crap you're willing to put up with. Whether that be build quality or sound quality or lack of features or any combination of any of these things, the only way to truly have your cake and eat it too is by spending thousands and thousands of dollars.
Take Marantz for example, I love the sound of their products, as a matter of fact I would go so far as to say they are the closest in what I consider to be the ideal or the perfect sound. However I will no longer buy any of their products because of the atrocious build quality of their products. I'm not even kidding, the last time I bought something of theirs, the NR 1200 stereo receiver, I got three different one sent to me all with various issues and prior to that having owned the pm5005, I'm frankly nervous when taking a new product of theirs out of its box as to whether or not it will actually work properly.