Anyone used the THX Tune-Up App?


New member
Jan 15, 2015
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Hi all,

I've been doing some DIY calibration using a host of other user settings and the picture I have is ok. I've also used the free tool that comes with Sony DVD/BR. My settings are an amalgamation of the 2.

Was reading through another forum which provided a link to a THX app on the Appole app store. Has anyone used this before?

My plan is to exhaust the free options before looking to buy a specialist disc and then possibly the purchase of a colourometer (probably a long way off!).



Well-known member
Yes I used it a couple of years ago - it was very basic then, went through all the options quickly, then deleted it. It may be different now but personally I wouldn't bother with it - get something like the Spears and Munsil disc instead.


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