Another new boy

Ravey Gravey Davy

Well-known member
Apr 28, 2008
Have not done this separates thing since a stroll down Tottenham Court Road in 1983.And my teenagers have just plugged the JVC amplifier from then into the Mission 80 speakers from then to blast their X-box 360 sound around the neighbourhood.

Now for the questions.

Our room - Have settled (temporarily)on Onkyo 606 with Kef 2005.2 or 3 speakers to upgrade from the Technics HIFI currently linked into TV for rubbish surround sound.TV is Panasonic TX-26LXDI which is not labelled as HD ready because it predates the label,but does give wide XGA ,1280 x 768 pixels with component input. Is this capable of giving decent 1080i upscaling through the Onkyo.DVD is Panasonic DMR-E75V . I was going to change the TV later this year if it does not but if I don't have to, why do it.

I originally had this set upon a papier mache stand as per Blue Peters design but the damn thing collapsed and destroyed everything .I tried blue tack and chewing gum as per advice given on other websites but the cat ate it.John Duncan beware.What advice was that.(Sorry Vanman ,wrong thread)

Teenage room

Toshiba 2WLT56B,component input with 1366 x 768 res, again not HD labelled but is it capable of delivering and to what extent does the x-box upscale it.Used for TV and X-box 360,and PS2.

Thanks for the advice.



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