Andrew/Clare/Anyone - Speaker cables?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hello friends,

I have finally finalized on my first budget Hi-Fi (phew!!!)

MS 902i+PM6002

Thanks for all your help. I'll be initially starting with the CA 540D dvd player as both for movie playing & CD playback. I'll buy a CD player a little later (as i am a little tight on budget). I am now exploring a suitable speaker cable for my system. I like the vocals of my music to be full bodied, not a very bright treble, nice deep base (i know can't expect too much from a stand mount but whatever best i can get).

Following are the speaker cable brands that are available in my city which i can buy:

QED, The Chord Company, Audio Quest, Accell, Monster

I have read on some other posts that the QED Silver Anniversary tends to be a bit bright.

So, i had the following questions that i would request you guys to answer for me:

1. Will the QED Original speaker cable be sufficient for a modest budget system like mine? Or do i really need to go for the Chord Carnival SS speaker cables? How much difference will they make? Is there any other speaker cable you would suggest from the above mentioned brands?

2. How important are the Banana plugs? Do they make a significant difference to the audio quality? Do i need them?

3. Is bi-wiring requiered for the 902i's? What major difference will it make for the audio quality from suggest modest speakers? Or single wiring will be good enough?

Please suggest. Thank you in advance.


A word of warning. It does not take too much to aggrevate the treble on the 902i's so if you are a bit sensitve on the treble then in my opinion the 902's were the wrong choice of speaker for you. They do deliver decent, punchy bass though when standmounted on something good like...Atacama nexus 6.
I would probably use chord carnival or maybe supra speaker cable as I too have heard that the qed silver anniversary can have a brighter treble especially when partnered with the 902's i would say. This should tame the treble a bit, but the marantz cd player should go good as i used to have one with my setup and it was fine.
I use thick bi-wire gale speaker cable from richer sounds and it works very well. I would say bi-wire sounds better as i have tried both methods and noticed the difference with that.



This is the same topic as the one you've posted on the HiFi forum.

I suggest killing this topic and just using the one on the other forum.


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