A question for WHF reviewers


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi, I'm building a system from scratch. I've narrowed down my choices of speakers to ATC SCM40, Dynaudio Excite X32, ProAc Studio 140 and Spendor A5 (or A6). I observed that ProAc Studio 140 won the Speakers Award in the £1,000-2,000 category for 2005, 2006 and 2007. For 2008 it was Dynaudio Excite X32. The Spendor A6 bagged the award for 2009.

May I know how you arrived as such? Has the Spendor A6 a "better sound" than the Dynaudio X32 which in turn has a "better sound" than ProAc Studio 140? Can you share what are the characteristics of each speaker? Why did Spendor A6 win instead of its sibling, the A5?

I know this is a very poor way to choose my speakers but I live in a place where auditioning different speakers is very very difficult so I'm having to rely on the reviews here. Hope you can assist. Thanks in advance!
The most important thing here is to pick a speaker that suits your taste, system and room. Every speaker you've mentioned is good, but they each have a different character.
The Dynaudios have a very controlled and balanced sound whereas the ProAcs are more dramatic, but sound less refined.The Spendor A6s are incrediably transparent and detailed, and provided the rest of your system is talented enough, will probably give you the most insightful sound. They don't quite have the bass weight or absolute volume capability of the Dyns or Proacs, though.The A6s are more revealing and deliver a larger scale sound than the A5s.
jtein http://www.electrades.com/index.php are the agents for spendor in your region and have some specials on in their shop in singapore at the moment

they also have some amps that would go nicely with the spendors in densen or sugden but theyd probably be over your budget

cmy in kl are the agents for naim proac and dynaudio there website is http://www.cmy.com.my/index.php?page=how-cmsms-works

id give them a ring to see what theyd suggest if you have to listen to them in the showrooms so be it better than not listening at all.

yes ive been through ipoh a few times but only stopped there overnight once

next trip ill make sure i spend more time there as youd have gathered i like malaysia
Ketan Bharadia:The most important thing here is to pick a speaker that suits your taste, system and room. Every speaker you've mentioned is good, but they each have a different character.

The Dynaudios have a very controlled and balanced sound whereas the ProAcs are more dramatic, but sound less refined.
The Spendor A6s are incrediably transparent and detailed, and provided the rest of your system is talented enough, will probably give you the most insightful sound. They don't quite have the bass weight or absolute volume capability of the Dyns or Proacs, though.
The A6s are more revealing and deliver a larger scale sound than the A5s.

Thank you Ketan for taking the trouble to reply to my post. It does help clear things up a bit for me.

Would the Roksan Kandy K2 amp/cdp be talented enough for the Spendor A6s? How would the ATC SCM40 stack up against the Spendor A6s?

one off:jtein http://www.electrades.com/index.php are the agents for spendor in your region and have some specials on in their shop in singapore at the moment

they also have some amps that would go nicely with the spendors in densen or sugden but theyd probably be over your budget

cmy in kl are the agents for naim proac and dynaudio there website is http://www.cmy.com.my/index.php?page=how-cmsms-works

id give them a ring to see what theyd suggest if you have to listen to them in the showrooms so be it better than not listening at all.

yes ive been through ipoh a few times but only stopped there overnight once

next trip ill make sure i spend more time there as youd have gathered i like malaysia

Many thanks one off for the URLs.....very kind and helpful of you. Actually I have already contacted CMY last week and also the Malaysian dealer for Spendor yesterday. I will be driving down to KL late next month to audition them.

See, that's what I meant in the other thread. When I visit CMY, I can only listen to ProAc and Dynaudio driven by Naim. I cannot make any comparison as to how they sound like if partnered with Roksan. Similarly, I'll be able to listen to the Spendors using their available amp i.e. Densen or Sudgen.

Nice to know that you like M'sia. Give me a holler when you do make a trip here and perhaps we could meet up.


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