A new format war on the horizon?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hiya,has anyone heard of a new disc format called HD VMD,short for High Definition Versatile Multilayer Disc which apparently utilises the red laser technology as used by standard DVD players as opposed to the blue laser used by BLU-RAY,making it much cheaper than BLU-RAY.Apparently the players and 17 discs will go on sale on Amazon in around 5 weeks time.Don`t think I can see this standing up to BLU-RAY though.Just wanted to be the first to report it,and try to sound clever too.


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2007
after a quick google session - i dont get it. why? i think itll either die a death or, if it really competes with br, the public will lose out again to an extended battle, until something else comes along and replaces them both as the standard. This really is getting stupid.

Andy Grange

Well-known member
Aug 2, 2007
From what I've read it's just a cheaper option for storage, that's it. The discs don't cost as much as blu-ray ones, and the drive uses a laser similar to the ones in dvd / cd players rather than the more expensive ones in blu-ray players. I think the company that are marketing it are aiming it at business rather than home usage.


I don`t think it`ll be able to compete with BLU-RAY the same way HDDVD did,can`t really see the electronics companies buying into another format now BLU-RAY has become the industry standard.There will be a player on sale next month as I said before along with 17 movies but these will be relatively unheard of films,no Golden Compass here.I also agree the whole format war thing is getting stupid,I bought into HDDVD quite early on and preferred it to BLU-RAY,but now that`s dead I can see how one format instead of multiple ones is better for us all and so have bought myself the Sharp BLU-RAY player too.Hopefully soon,more people will buy BLU-RAY players and the prices of both players and discs will fall,better for everyone,then maybe this will replace DVD in a year or so and we`ll see BD discs for the same price as DVD`S now.Here`s hoping.I won`t be buying into any new formats though,HDVMD or super BLU-RAY or whatever comes next,you have to draw the line somewhere.


Not necessarily true as there will be a player,to play films,as well as 17 movies coming out sometime next month,admittedly they`re not big films though.Still can`t see it taking off in a big way though,reckon blu-ray is here to stay for the foreseeable future,hope so anyway,got no more money left now.


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