Al ears
Well-known member
Wondered where all the other mods had gone... 🙂Good to see you back Scene 👍
Wondered where all the other mods had gone... 🙂Good to see you back Scene 👍
You frightened them off Al 🙂Wondered where all the other mods had gone... 🙂
Thanks - it has been a whileGood to see you back Scene 👍
I must get some tips from Al then - Muahaha!! 😈You frightened them off Al 🙂
Whilst I have no idea about players, I think the number of discs selling is probably still on he increase. Still small though!less and less players, and physical discs are being bought
Whilst I have no idea about players, I think the number of discs selling is probably still on he increase. Still small though!
EDIT: Can't quickly find anything with disc numbers, but the proportion of discs sold in UHD is increasing - but the market is in decline overall:
UHD Blu-ray takes a growing share of a shrinking disc market - FlatpanelsHD
The chart is really rather useless without actual numbers, but if anything it suggests that it's DVD that's in decline - the 4k share has doubled over that period - I doubt that the market overall has halved (though that's a complete guess), so it would suggest that 4k is actually still on the up - albeit from a lowly starting point.
No accounting for taste!I prefer Unbreakable 🙂
Watched it last night for the first time in ages - I still think The Sixth Sense is a better film, but it's a good film.I prefer Unbreakable 🙂
I have about a dozen or so 4K Blu-ray discs, I cherish them because they offer better video and sound quality than 4K streaming (i.e. Netflix). I think like vinyl's it will be niche but it will always be around because they can charge ridiculous prices and people will buy on the basis we tend to cherish things that are in physical format.Silly I'm asking this as I only have a HD TV (yes I need to upgrade) but will the film and TV studios ever release films and TV shows on another physical format or is 4k blu-ray going to be the last? If it is the last, will you miss physical media? I think we are coming to the end of physical media for new films and TV show releases. I will miss all the extras they put on the physical disk which you don't get to see when you stream a film or TV program. I wonder how film lovers who buy all their films on on physical media feel about the end of films on physical media if that is indeed coming.
I suspect you mean people of a certain age/inclination. I don't know anyone in their twenties who gives a stuff about physical media - apart from vinyl.people will buy on the basis we tend to cherish things that are in physical format.
Two follow-on observations:I look at and Film Stories every now and then to see what's on the release schedules in 4k, and it's hard to fathom what's going on.
I have to say I agree. None of my sprogs play CDs or have much interest physical film media.I don't know anyone in their twenties who gives a stuff about physical media
Yes, I often wonder how often one wants to see any film. Most for me, once is fine. A bit like fiction books. But I realise I’m not everyone!Hard not to conclude that the industry and retailers have chosen a bad time to increase prices of new discs. Scrooged and Ferris Bueller's Day Off are both £23 on Amazon. Going over £20 makes me think that the only films I'll buy from the get-go are going to be ones I truly love. I enjoy both of these, but will be waiting a good few months...
I’ve watched John Carpenter’s The Thing 28 times in the past 11 years. So I’ve certainly seen it more than 50 times. I find many films get better when you watch them at least more than once - it’s quite easy to miss some dialogue or not quite understand what’s going on - another viewing or two usually helps get the full picture. Having said that, there’s films I’ve been watching for the 5th or 10th time where something I’ve been unaware of suddenly hits me…Yes, I often wonder how often one wants to see any film. Most for me, once is fine. A bit like fiction books. But I realise I’m not everyone!
You're 'worse' than me! I also re-read fiction - I find the experience like that of journey rather than destination, so a film I'll only ever watch once has to be a stinker.Blade Runner 2049, 15 times in 6 years.
As you can tell, I don’t really get time for a lot of reading…despite still buying books, and buying books for my favourite movies. The last book of feature film book I read was with The Thing or Jaws…You're 'worse' than me! I also re-read fiction - I find the experience like that of journey rather than destination, so a film I'll only ever watch once has to be a stinker.