Andy Clough:JoelSim:
I hope I'm wrong, but if in 10 years' time all we have are Sony, Panasonic, Samsung, Pioneer, Yamaha, Apple et al and the Naims, Arcams, Quads, Rotels, PMCs, ProAcs of this world just can't compete any more, then we've all failed.
I'm not being difficult for the sake of it, I just have a passion for small specialists especially in this industry that takes up a good proportion of my leisure time; it's not about being a dinosaur.
So, if you've read the Awards issue cover to cover Joel, you'll know that we gave three - yes that's three - CD player Awards to Cyrus (plus one to Marantz), speaker Awards to Dali, Tannoy, B&W, ATC, Dynaudio and Monitor Audio, stereo amp Awards to Marantz, Roksan (x2), Cyrus and Plinius and turntable Awards to Pro-ject, Thorens and Rega. Oh, and cable Awards to Chord, Atlas, Clearer Audio, True Colours Industries and Van den Hul.
If that isn't supporting "small specialists in the industry" (well, I'll admit B&W aren't exactly small!) then I don't know what is.
I think many of you are missing the point as 2 channel is being diluted with all the large corporate TV manufacturers coming in. And don't forget this mag is their bread and butter and I suspect that some are already struggling with the advertising rates now that the mag has a higher circulation, many of whom aren't interested in 2 channel. I know you still do the stereo part but increasingly this is playing second fiddle to the 'more lucrative' TV category. The magazine isn't currently What HiFi sound and vision, it's What Vision, Sound and HiFi.
I'm not having a go at you guys, I'm just asking you all to put more emphasis on the little guys as they provide a wonderful, but relatively niche product.