Andrew Everard:Good theory, but we work independently of the ads departmemt
Yes you do, and rightly so. Unfortunately that doesn't help the fact that the marketplace is favouring the big manufacturers as it always does in any free market. That's exactly why our High Streets have exactly the same shops on them and the majority of small traders and specialists just can't compete any more. It's extremely sad as in a few years we'll all end up with less choice, inferior products and some uber companies in the same way that many specialist food shops have been replaced by Tesco et al.
The upshot of this is that while a small number of specialists will survive, the majority will go to the wall or they'll be swallowed up by multinationals who will, in turn, have more of a say on how much R&D/spend there is on the products, and this will spell the end of what we currently have.
It is my opinion that we need to promote the small guys so that we preserve our passion, that's exactly what I'm trying to do here and all I'm asking is that, as the leading 'specialist' magazine in the category, you really consider the huge impact your magazine, and only your magazine can have on the marketplace.
Anyway enough said now, I've have tried my best.