Yamaha RX-V4600 v Yamaha DSPAX763 Old v New Question


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi, I'm in the market for an amp to partner either the kef 2005.3 or 3005se speakers.

I've noticed that there's a lot of yammy amps coming up for sale that are about 3 years old and a 3rd of their original price.

Can anybody tell me if they're a decent deal at around £300 and how they match up to models like the 763 or 863 please.
Anybody with a view on this please ? In a nutshell,would a 1k 3 yr old receiver match up well to a £400 new receiver assuming that they both have similar onboard decoding and hdmi inputs ?
bermudaotter:Anybody with a view on this please ? In a nutshell,would a 1k 3 yr old receiver match up well to a £400 new receiver assuming that they both have similar onboard decoding and hdmi inputs ?

I would go for a newer model. That way you would benefit from a warranty (extended if need be), knowing that the amp has not been treated badly etc.....

As far as I know you would be hard pressed to find a 3 year old amp capable of decoding all the new hd sound formats!

I have the Yamaha DSPAX763 and I am very happy with it.


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