Yamaha DSP AV-620 problem with rear surround speakers


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi folks,

I had one of these 5.1 av amps but was getting crackles or no sound at all through the rear surrounds (B&W s3 600s) unless I put the volume to very high when they would kick in. I could then turn the volume down and they would keep producing god quality sound regardless of volume, this happened on all DSP settings. The speakers are fine as I tested them on all other channels and with my stereo amp and they worked fine.

Finally getting fed up with it I bought another second hand AV-620 off ebay but have the same problem. It seems a weird coincidence that both amps could have the same problem but the speakers are definitely fine. Does anyone know what the problem could be or if this is a common problem with this amp.

Have you tried connecting different speakers to the rear channels of both AVRs and seeing if it happens then?


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