Worst value for money hifi component you ever bought

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Revolver turntable with its own MC cartridge bought to replace a Dual semi-auto. Kept changing speed of its own accord until finally the power supply gave up the ghost. ÿSimilar experiences to previous poster with DBX this time with a Technics cassette deck.
Quad 11L loudspeakers. Bought without listening off the back of 5-star reviews only to find a no-star sound. Sold at a big loss!
Pioneer AA6J amplifier terrible in vocals, bought it without demo. I made a 'nice' loss.
Bin Clankem:Quad 11L loudspeakers. Bought without listening off the back of 5-star reviews only to find a no-star sound. Sold at a big loss!

Although their predecessors, built for the 'real' Quad by Spendor, the 10Ls, were really good.

Second vote for the Russ Andrews switchless sockets - you can get same in Wickes for 1/4 of the price.

I wasn't very impressed by a Nordost interconnect I bought - also to replace a Naim one. And I ended up selling the Isotek Vision mains conditioner...better without IMHO.
Dunno about hifi (probably the 400 quid Yamaha DSP-AX620, which was great but satisfied my hankering for surround sound for about, well, one film), but the worst value for money thing I've ever bought - and indeed, the most expensive thing I've ever bought, in relative terms - was a plectrum from the Gucci store in Florence. Twenty quid (when they're normally three for a pound). Did come in a very nice box though (which it's still in).

Russ Andrews silencer block - made no difference to any noise in MY mains but managed to crush the dynamics.
Very nearly was an Onkyo 875. I just couldn't get to grips with the sound. I couldn't get the sub to intergrate at all. Took it back after 6 days and got money back. I think it must have been how our lounge is set out.

I am hoping it is not going to be the AE which I'm setting up tonight. All the horror stories are just making me think I shouldn't bother.
Johnno2:A project debut turntable,I thought Iwould get back into listening to records again, It just sounded lifeless,the crackles annoyed me,and it was very microphonic,highley rated by the mags too. Got rid

Weird, I've got two Debut IIs and neither of them suffer from any microphony.
the_lhc:Johnno2:A project debut turntable,I thought Iwould get back into listening to records again, It just sounded lifeless,the crackles annoyed me,and it was very microphonic,highley rated by the mags too. Got rid Weird, I've got two Debut IIs and neither of them suffer from any microphony.

Maybee its was a differnent version,was there a version 1 ? . Also I think the phono input stage on my old amp was naff which didnt help. The sound was much inferior to CD
garethwd:JCR1:Without doubt Micromega Amp and stage 6 CD player,great sound, awful longevity, 13 and 18 months respectively before they became unrepairable. £1200 found it's way into file 13.

Yep i agree, I used to have a Micromega stage 3 cdp it sounded fantastic but went in for repair three times in less than 12 months on the forth occation SMC simply gave me a full refund, all credit to them 😉
I am very glad you achieved a satisfactory outcome, after weeks in the shop I was told parts were unobtainable.
matthewpiano:JCR1:Without doubt Micromega Amp and stage 6 CD player,great sound, awful longevity, 13 and 18 months respectively before they became unrepairable. £1200 found it's way into file 13.

I think that might win the award for worst value of all!! Absolutely shocking but not too dissimilar to a French car I once owned...
Yeah Matt I feel It must rank up there somewhere, needless to say I never took the chance buying anything else from that supplier.
aliEnRIK:a.g.:Arcam CD192. I see that Arcam is a recurring theme on this thread! Why am I not surprised? What was so bad about it?

Yes, please tell...

a 5 star, award-winning CDP and highly rated by all magazines including this one. See the reviews section for details.

Mine is also exceptional with my partnering kit. Makes me smile every time I listen to it.
Just like with me and the Monitor Audio Silver4i speakers. Sometimes the environment, ears and other kit fails to make a good impression.
the_lhc:Johnno2:A project debut turntable,I thought Iwould get back into listening to records again, It just sounded lifeless,the crackles annoyed me,and it was very microphonic,highley rated by the mags too. Got rid Weird, I've got two Debut IIs and neither of them suffer from any microphony.

Maybee its was a differnent version,was there a version 1 ?

Yes there was, not sure how much difference there was between them though.

Also I think the phono input stage on my old amp was naff which didnt help.

Yeah that wouldn't help.
Must admit, I'm surprised about the CD192. I don't think the entry level Arcam stuff is good value at all, but the better stuff like the A32 integrated, and the CD192 easily hold their own at their price points IMO.
Lots here will recognise that the music sounds sweeter if we are fully relaxed with maybe a glass in hand so my vote goes to...............

Lambrusco....didnt have the desired effect at all.
A ferguson Dab radio, which was a present (so might not count)

Looked like the Pure XT and was a kind thought from my brother, but sounded dreadful

Had a difficult conversation later in the year when he asked if it was any good, as he was thinking of getting one for his kitchen

We'd bought a Pure one by then and the ferguson one was relegated to the bathroom.

though the Pures are all now on FM again.

Oddly enough, unlike the mains conditioners, the Neoplug works really well in my system, spare socket of my dedicated spur.
raym87:Lambrusco.....didnt have the desired effect at all.

You should have gone for something a bit classier - like Blue Nun.
A 'Direct Design' direct-drive turntable, which got a good review in the late '70's or thereabouts in at least one hi-fi magazine.

It was produced by a British company who bought in the motors from Japan, and sold by K J West End (still going?). At the time, direct-drive was considered to be perfect in one respect - the accuracy of the speeds. Well, the edge of the platter had strobe patterns embossed (de rigeur at the time), but rather than a steady strobe it was all over the place, with the worst wow & flutter I've ever heard.

It went back for a replacement, which was better, but still not very good. In fact, it was a pile of cack!
A NAD receiver many years ago. Hummed like crazy so i changed it three (3) times. Gave up in the end. Closely followed by an original audiolab 8000S when it first came out. Perhaps not bad value for money and I really wanted to like it but to no avail. It was traded in shortly after.
aliEnRIK:a.g.:Arcam CD192. I see that Arcam is a recurring theme on this thread! Why am I not surprised? What was so bad about it?

Yes, please tell...

Just about everything was wrong with it. Mind-numbingly boring with no deep bass or sparkly treble. Uninspiring build quality and to top it off "black" turned out to be grey. After trying really hard to like it I sent it back and a few months later I got a DacMagic which was miles and miles better for a fraction of the cost.
JohnDuncan:Dunno about hifi (probably the 400 quid Yamaha DSP-AX620, which was great but satisfied my hankering for surround sound for about, well, one film)

Probably because that amp is so bloody bright (and yes I had one). I replaced mine with an Audiolab 8000S, much better.
aliEnRIK:a.g.:Arcam CD192. I see that Arcam is a recurring theme on this thread! Why am I not surprised? What was so bad about it?

Yes, please tell...

Just about everything was wrong with it. Mind-numbingly boring with no deep bass or sparkly treble. Uninspiring build quality and to top it off "black" turned out to be grey. After trying really hard to like it I sent it back and a few months later I got a DacMagic which was miles and miles better for a fraction of the cost.

You must have had a duff one



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