whats going on in the tv world ? the kuro has been around for over a year now , and every time an overhyped pretender to the crown comes along , it is either ( according to general opinion ) very close to the kuro , and more expensive , or no where near as close , and more expensive .. take the new sharp led lcd , said to be very close one way or another , and £9000 , the downpayment on a small house ( if you could get a mortgage ) , then you have the sony 55x4500 , some say as good as a kuro , but , £4600 , double the price .. next up is philips cinema 21.9 looks great , great picture , but , £4500 .. you can see a trend developing here , so along comes panasonics 46inch z1 , looks great , as skinny as kate moss , but a more expensive date ? £4300 , wireless this , neo that , it could probably turn on the heating before you arrived home , but what about the PICTURE QUALITY , er , not as good , so where is the challenge going to come from ?? ive read a review somewhere
of the samsung ps50b850 , which stated its as good as a kuro , mmm , and it costs £1500 , but are samsung likely to make a tv of that quality and charge less than their high end lcd sets , er , why would they ?? if it was that good they would probably add a soundbar , spray it nighthawk black , make a titanium remote control and charge £12000 ... as to my question , i wont hold my breath ...